THE South Wales Autograss League are proudly hosting The Ladies and Juniors National Autograss Championships at Castle Lloyd Farm, Red Roses, near Pendine on Saturday and Sunday 31st August to 1st September with racing starting at 9am.

It is the 40th Anniversary of these championships with an entry of 481 drivers.

Autograss is a form of motor racing, with races organised at various venues across the UK and Ireland.

The roots of the discipline can be traced back to the 1960s.

Typically, Autograss races are conducted on tracks spanning approximately 400 meters and featuring grass or mud surfaces.

Up to eight cars start on a straight line grid and race over 4 - 10 laps

This results in the major race meetings, most of which are staged over the course of two days, offering upwards of 200 races!

All classes normally race through qualifying heats and finals followed by, time and weather permitting, open races where all classes have the opportunity to race each other.

All amenities will be available including refreshments, bouncy castles, beer tent and fair with camping available from the Thursday.

There is a strong entry from the five local clubs and the league are hoping for some silverware to be taken home.

A great day out for all the family, for more details contact Joan 07776004320.