TALENTED golfer Jemma Nand-Lal, has been selected for the Wales Schools squad to play against England Schools for the second consecutive year this September in Lincolnshire.

This achievement is particularly remarkable as Jemma, from Tenby, is still recovering from a major operation over the winter and is recognition for her being the leading Dyfed girl player during the 2023 season.

Her unwavering determination and passion for the sport have driven her recovery, enabling her to rejoin her team and face her old adversaries once again.

Jemma’s return to top form is a testament to her resilience and commitment.

Upon hearing the news, an elated Jemma said it was a fantastic honour and that she's incredibly keen to put one over some old English golfing adversaries.

She will be supported by family and friends who will be backing her as she competes at the national level again.

Jemma picked up the Dyfed Golf Union Under 18 Order of Merit Leading Girl award at Carmarthen Golf Club back in September.

The trophy was presented to the leading junior who had amassed the most points during the season, for scores at 6 qualifying events - Haverfordwest, Trefloyne, Machynys, Ashburnham, Cilgwyn and Carmarthen Golf Clubs.

Jemma achieved the lowest girls gross scores at four of the five events played during the season.