EIGHTEEN youngsters and their parents recently turned up to Trefloyne Junior Golf Academy for a free taster session.

The idea was to see if they’d like to learn more about the game, so there was a series of games to get the kids swinging clubs and hitting balls, and some tips and demonstrations from PGA Advanced Coach Matthew Rees, of MTR Golf Performance.

Like all the sessions at Trefloyne Junior Academy, the emphasis is on giving it a go, and most importantly, having fun.

And judging by the faces and the comments, everyone certainly did that, all saying they can’t wait to be back next week to start New2Golf, Wales Golf’s subsidised coaching programme.

That New2Golf group will fit in alongside the two other sets of eager young golfers who come to coaching sessions at Trefloyne on a Thursday evening, under floodlights as the nights get darker.

There was a nice surprise for parents as well, because all the youngsters who came along and want to go that bit further received free junior membership at Trefloyne Golf Club until next April, with access to all the coaching sessions and equipment, like clubs and balls.

And as a couple of parents said, that makes a difference when it can be expensive to get started in a sport and you’re not sure if it’s something they’ll keep going with.