Saundersfoot Sports and Social Club have ambitious plans to enhance their sporting facilities and improve sporting access to everyone.

They are currently applying for funding for a new roof and to make improvements to their changing room building which is badly in need of renovation.

They see this as the first phase of a 2/3 year project to improve access to sport in the area. The Club already has a cricket team and this year have developed a new football team (as well as a Veterans team). Future plans include introducing a children's and a ladies football team too.

In the past the sports field has hosted sporting events involving Greenhill School as well as Saundersfoot CP School which further develops sporting activities within our community.

“We see sport as a vehicle to enhance community spirit and encourage community engagement,” said a spokesperson for Saundersfoot Sports and Social Club.

“You can help add strength to the application and show our County Council that our community in and around Saundersfoot supports the bid to access funds for this project.

“Engagement from members of the community will help add weight to the application.”

To help show your support you can drop a handwritten letter of support in to the Sports Club or email: [email protected] saying why you think it’s a much needed facility