LAST Saturday’s quiz at Tenby Sailing Club attracted seven teams.

Quizmaster Terry Evans kept them all in order, and announced that the next brainstorming event will be on February 1st. As always, proceeds to go to the RNLI.

The new member’s area “myclubhouse” is up and running for members to access information on events, subscriptions, membership fees, renewals, membership cards, teams, and documents.

After registering for an account, members can log-in to to renew their membership for 2025, and pay by card. Early renewals benefit from discounted rates.

Forthcoming Events: The club is currently closed for maintenance until Friday January 17th. Sunday Lunch will be available on January 19th.

The refurbishment of the ground floor changing rooms is on schedule to be completed in March, in time for the start of the new sailing season in April.

Ed Dashfield continues to ensure that the maintenance of the club’s five safety boats and the pilot boat is well in hand, keeping them all up to RYA standards.

With no dinghy racing taking place in Tenby at the moment, Robin Wood has been travelling to Tata Steel Sailing Club to race his Supernova.

In their autumn frostbite series he finished 8th out of 36, and in the Christmas series he finished 6th out of 14.