FOUR dinghy entries tool on the evening race at Tenby Sailing Club on Tuesday, 3 September with a light Westerly breeze.

Results: 1, Osprey 1380, Dan Jackson and Matt Goldwait; 2, RS 600 874, Steve Leach; 3, ILCA7,  Peter Rose; 4, Enterprise 20193, Rob Duggan and Michelle.

Forty five Ospreys took part in the National Osprey Championships at Poole Yacht Club from 5th to 8th September.

Tenby’s Carpé Diem, Osprey 1365, sailed by Dave Griffiths and Maurice Clarke achieved  13th place overall.

Jammy Dodger, Osprey 1348, Oscar Chess and Simon Brewer from Tata Steel SC finished 14th just one point behind.

At home the next race for Redwings is on September 12th, with the earlier start of 5.30pm as the daylight hours shorten.

Junior Training: The final session for this season is this evening (11th), followed by an end of season social and awarding of qualifications on September 18th.

Clubhouse:  As the summer season closes, members can enjoy an end of season party on Friday September 28th, and the return of Terry Evans’ brain teasing quizzes, the first being on Saturday October 5th at 8pm.