At the recent meeting of Whitland Town Council the Mayor, Clr. Davies-Scourfield reported to fellow councillors that events held over the Jubilee long weekend had been a great success.
The opening of phase one of the play park at Parc Dr Owen and the picnic in the park thereafter was attended by over 250 residents enjoying the evening sun.
The Sunday afternoon cream teas were enjoyed by many residents with the evening quiz, testing the knowledge of all who took part.
The following planning application was discussed: PL/04110 - Replan approved plots 66-70 and 48 of RM approval ref. W/35037 to provide eight terraced/semi detached dwellings (50-57) and one detached dwelling (49) on land adjacent to Spring Gardens, Whitland, SA34 0HW.
Following a discussion relating to Section 106 considerations, Clr. Chapman proposed that Whitland Town Council raise no objections regarding this application, but request to be kept up-to-date with any decisions relating to the Section 106 legal requirements.
Planning application notices received from Carmarthenshire County Council were as follows:
• PL/00799 - One Planet Development on Land South of Blaenhiraeth, Henllan Amgoed, Whitland (granted).
• PL/03822 - Mid And West Wales Fire Brigade, West Street, Whitland (granted).
• PL/04024 - Change of use from garage to a retail shop and retail store room at Llys Howell, Market Street (granted).
Correspondence Received included an email from Section 106 officer advising that the Council have not submitted the application for the grant towards solar powered car/bike chargers. This is an initiative put forward by Carmarthenshire County Council officers, with Whitland Council to consider possible locations for such before any application is submitted.
An email received from the Planning Enforcement officer requested confirmation if the banks at Trevaughn Lodge are still in situ, and it was confirmed that they are.
Reporting on behalf of the ‘Grounds Management Working Party’ – Clr L Shipton said that the damaged stone structure has been removed from the entrance to the Pocket Park.
The trees along the Pocket Park and on the opposite side of the road remain problematic, with the clerk to write again to Carmarthenshire County Council regarding this. The ‘mole man’ is awaited to attend Trevaughn Play Area.
A report from the Parc Dr Owen Play Park Task and Finish Group, stated that the opening of the Phase one of the play park went well and on schedule. Children have enjoyed playing there. There are not many moments there are no children playing there.
Fundraising will commence soon to pay for phase two.
Clr. Chapman reported on the Ten Towns Digital Project (town website), stating that the the project was progressing, albeit slowly. A meeting is to be called with the Ten Towns Group to consider the projects’ progress to date.
At the Ten Towns meeting the project for the Capital will be discussed. The ‘old dairy’ site is not being moved forward.
It was decided to continue the co-option process, with all councillors agreeing that a leaflet drop be conducted and posters displayed to promote the Town Council, to encourage residents to apply for co-option.
An email was received from Carmarthenshire County Council, with regards to the rejection of the Section 106 application for funding towards the resurfacing of the Bryngwenllian play park safety surfacing.
Correspondence was received from the Section 106 Officer advising that, despite being advised to apply for the funding allocated for repairs and renewals, the application has been refused. Further information has been requested but not forthcoming.
The renewal of the park safety flooring at Bryngwenllian play park is estimated to cost just over £19,400. Unfortunately, prior to the past two years, no provision was made, in the precept, to pay for such repairs. The Council has accumulated circa £8,500 over the past two years.
A meeting is to be arranged with an officer from Carmarthenshire County Council to discuss the Section 106 application process, where monies have been spent and what money is available.
Clr. Davies-Scourfield proposed that Whitland Town Council request certain information relating to Section 106 applications under a freedom of information request, with Clr. Chapman seconding the proposal, and all councillors in full agreement.
Once the request has been approved by all councillors, it will be forwarded to the Section 106 officer and the Chief Executive of Carmarthenshire County Council.
Councillors have also given consideration to the installation of CCTV equipment at Parc Dr Owen, with the cost circa £1,000.
Clr. McDowell proposed that Whitland Town Council consider installing CCTV to cover the play park area, with the Clerk to commence the procurement process.
Clr. Chapman seconded the proposal with all councillors in full agreement.