A call to take immediate action to stop landfill waste from Cardiff being “dumped” at Pembrokeshire’s Withyhedge landfill site is to be heard later this week.
Residents who have been campaigning for action to be taken against the odours from the Withyhedge landfill site, to the north of Haverfordwest, say the smell is like ‘a stink bomb on steroids’.
The site is operated by Withyhedge Landfill (Resources Management Ltd) (RML) and has permission to deposit 250,000 tonnes of waste a year.
The Pembrokeshire County Council ePetition, by Colin Barnett of the ‘Stop the Stink’ group, attracted 628 signatures in just under two months, meeting the threshold for a debate at council.

The petition, to be heard at the March 7 meeting, says: “We call on Pembrokeshire County Council to take immediate action to stop landfill waste from Cardiff being dumped onto this site and ensure all companies engaged with landfill waste to this site are rigorously inspected to gain significant improvement to air and odour quality that fully meets local residents’ expectations.
“Since the new owners have started operating from the Withyhedge landfill site they have increased the volume of waste dumped on this site by accepting an additional 50,000 tons of Cardiff residents waste to this site.
“Local residents now experienced a severe deterioration in their quality of life and as they are plagued by acrid and fetid air quality which is so putrid that it severely restricts their right to enjoy full and unrestrained use of their property and gardens.
“Residents all too frequently find themselves shut inside their properties with windows closed in an attempt to stop the smell from permeating into their house. Local hospitality businesses are also experiencing a reduction in trade due to the stench customers are faced with when they arrive.”
In a joint statement issued yesterday, March 4, Natural Resources Wales (NRW), Public Health Wales and Pembrokeshire County Council said they will ensure capping of a waste cell causing significant odour issues at Withyhedge Landfill happens as swiftly and safely as possible.
The public bodies are working with the site operator to monitor air quality in response to increasing health concerns from the local community. Results are expected to start being received mid-March.
Cllr Rhys Sinnett, Pembrokeshire County Council Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services, said: “We recognise the impact of odours on the local community coming from the Withyhedge site and we understand the level of concern this has caused.
“Since before Christmas our officers have been working closely with colleagues from lead organisation NRW to assess the incidence of odours from Withyhedge. Officers from our Planning and Public Protection teams have visited the site alongside NRW colleagues and engaged with the operators.
“I assure you a lot of work is continuing in the background and all public bodies have reconfirmed their commitment to ensuring a long-term solution to the problems as soon as possible.
“As partners we have also committed to continue engaging with the local community and updating on the situation going forward.”