The second meeting in July saw a good sized gathering and it was nice to hear the chattering of so many old friends.
The meeting began with the news that a longtime member, Jeff Thomas, had passed away and the members stood in silence in tribute to his memory. The secretary had been Jeff's bridge partner over many years and paid his own special tribute.
The president then had the pleasure of welcoming a guest, Mr. Barrie Howell, to the meeting. It is always nice to see a new face at these little gatherings.
Best wishes were expressed to Tom Hughes combined with a 'get well soon' wish.
Birthday boys for the day were Ken Hamilton and Lew Day. They are both from the 1926 edition, so their ages are to be kept secret.
Owing to Ray Poole being in Germany when ladies' day is held at the end of September, the club has rushed in the secretary to fill the speaking gap. He will give a slide presentation of flowers for all seasons. Margaret will also provide a buffet.
Ray Poole started off the speaking part of the meeting by showing a couple of the hands from the St. Mary's clock face. Having seen them at an earlier meeting, members could appreciate the work he had put in to restore them to their former glory. They now need gilding to finish them off.
Arthur was designated speaker for the day and he spoke of Sikhism in its many facets. Quite fascinating in its complexity and its religious connotations.
The speaker for the meeting on August 5 will be Peter Robinson, who is visiting from a Probus Club in the Wirral. For more information, ring Lew Day on 844633.