Upon taking guidance from the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, the Bellringers of St. Mary’s Church in Tenby rang prior to the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on Monday.

The peal of eight bells which were rung fully muffled started to ring at 9.30 am, and finished at 10.10 am.

This allowed the team enough time to return home to view the historic occasion.

The ringers said they felt privileged and honoured to ring at this sad and poignant time.

They also rang on the morning following the announcement of the Queen’s passing and again at the Service of Commemoration for our late Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth II.

Pictured left to right are:  Richard Bedford (Tower Captain) Susanna Morgan, Paula Robins, Ruthie Allen, Sarah Williams, Gilly Reason-Jones, Julie Hurlow, Ruth and Clive Webb.