County Councillor Phil Kidney reported to members of the Community Council at its most recent meeting, that the process of roads around the Paddock due to be adopted was close to seeing notices being erected.

With regards to car parking around the Paddock junction, there had been a site visit with PCC highways engineer Rob Evans, who had no concerns about the junction, but commented that parking problems could be helped with signage, pointing people to the pub car park.

There were concerns at Holloway Court regarding the lane at the top of the estate, with a site visit planned.

With regards to the late cutting of hedges this year, a meeting took place with PCC director of highways Darren Thomas, who has promised to look at it again next year, without admitting that cutting was particularly late in and around Penally.

Concerns have been raised regarding the date of next year’s Ironman Wales event, on September 3, encroaching on the summer season.

Cllr D’Arcy reported that lettings at Penally Village Hall were on the increase, and that recent events held were a success. The Hall finances are in a healthy position with reasonable Hire rates being offered. OVO energy are assisting with increasing utility charges.

Cllr D’Arcy reported that a resident had concerns regarding the placement of advertisement boards on a property in the village adverting business and services. Cllr Kidney said he would liaise with PCC as this may be classed as fly-posting.

Cllr Snow reported on the lack of maintenance to the hedgerow at Penally Court field (Kiln Park). The hedge is cut sporadically by various individuals leaving the hedgerow looking untidy. Responsibility of all areas is uncertain. Cllr Kidney said that he would enquire with a local volunteer who has worked in neighbouring Haven sites on assisting.

Cllr Snow proposed the current vacancy for a Councillor to be advertised, Cllr D’Arcy seconded the proposal all Cllrs in agreement.

Cllr Snow reported that the ‘Chat Bench’ had arrived and required fixing in the agreed area. Cllr D’Arcy proposed the Clerk contact the contractor and arrange installation.

Cllr Walsh had an idea for a ‘Warm Wednesday’ at the Village Hall. Cllr Snow highlighted PCC’s ‘warm rooms’ project and discussed possible opening of the Village Hall for local people.

Cllr D’Arcy said he would discuss the proposal with the Village Hall committee, with Cllr Snow offering to attend the meeting, to present proposal.

Carrying on recent discussions on speeding through village, Cllr Snow discussed previous ‘near misses’ in the village and a recent collision with a wall.

A request for speed monitoring will be passed onto PCC by Cllr Kidney. Increases in children accessing the school and play area at School Lane is of a concern considering the speed some drivers pass through the village. Current speed signage is not adhered too, and further action required.