Over £5,000 was raised for a brain tumour charity at an ‘open gardens’ weekend in Pembrokeshire, which attracted visitors from near and far.

The streets of the normally quiet village of Cosheston near Pembroke were flooded with visitors on Saturday, June 15, wandering in to the open gardens and near the estuary, for a fundraiser for thebraintumourcharity.org

All were directed to the event by special signage and floral displays with a pot display at The Cross (sponsored by Grandiflora nursery) and banner and programmes supported by Milford Haven Port Authority.

The village hall was buzzing with people, buying from a well stocked plant stall and an array of cakes and teas provided by Cosheston WI and members of the community.

Cosheston village hall
The village hall was buzzing with people, buying from a well stocked plant stall and an array of cakes and teas provided by Cosheston WI and members of the community. (Pic supplied)

Local resident Ela Robinson provided a delightful display of her porcelain flower craft work and a raffle with prizes donated by community businesses raised £600 alone for the charity. Demonstrations on how to make a sedum basket and simple floral display were enjoyed by visitors in the afternoon.

“Many thanks to the friendly people of Pembrokeshire who came from all over the county and as far afield as Derbyshire to visit our gardens,” said organisers Jane and Alan Mason.

“We must have had several hundred people coming to the village and also thanks to over 66 members of the local community who came together to provide marshalls, programme sales, signs plants and cakes.

“Our biggest disappointment was we were all so busy the volunteers did not have time to visit the gardens ourselves!” they laughed.

A stunning total of £4,300 was raised at the event; and the following day, a rose garden in full bloom and delicious cakes all helped Upton Castle Gardens nearby raise a further £760 for the cause, in conjunction with the Cosheston open gardens event.

Cosheston gardens
All were directed to the event by special signage and floral displays. (Pic supplied)

Visitors to Upton Castle Gardens, now an RHS partner garden, were able to enjoy the walled kitchen gardens as well as herbaceous borders and stunning roses.

A gentle stroll in the woodland leading to the Cleddau estuary and tea and cakes prepared by the Upton Castle team, rounded off an excellent charity day and a very social weekend in the area.

“We are delighted with the charity support we received from our visitors and are now looking forward to our exhibition of contemporary sculptures and paintings which will run from June 30 until September 15,” explained Upton Castle owners Prue and Stephen Barlow.