Work has started on a new ‘Dig for Victory’ garden in Pembroke.

Christmas came early at Tabernacle Garden Through Time, Pembroke when several exciting deliveries were made in October from “Keep Wales Tidy”. An application had been made to their growing food community project to help to establish a new area in the garden, ‘Dig For Victory’.

The Garden Through Time is planted with several beds that reflect the introduction of plants within the UK during different periods. All is explained and illustrated on boards within the garden.

However, an area for wild flowers was proving tricky. With the realisation that the soil was too rich to successfully grow wild flowers, came the idea of a ‘Dig For Victory’ garden - definitely a period of time to be remembered.

When volunteers explained their vision to Keep Wales Tidy in their application form, they were advised they had been successful and would hence be receiving plants, raised beds, trellis, compost, top soil, equipment, bird boxes and bug homes. And to cap it all, they had help from a Keep Wales Tidy person to get the project started!

Well, they have indeed started. There are now three raised beds full of produce ready for the spring and a fourth on the way; trellis up and paths in the process of being formed. The gardeners look forward to welcoming visitors in the spring when the garden reopens on a regular basis.

When open, the garden can be accessed from Pembroke Common, which is a more level access. Or from the Main Street down past the side of the Church, where the path leads to a viewing platform and steps down to the garden.

Working parties will be taking place to get the garden ready for Spring re-opening. If you would like to help with gardening, workshops or become a volunteer, welcoming visitors, please contact Joan Marsh on 07917 205512.