In the Port of Milford Haven’s 65th year, revenues exceeded £40m for the first time; closing a year described by CEO Tom Sawyer as a “stand-out year” at £41.3m.

Despite a slight fall in shipping numbers and cargo, the marine division remained busy, safely shepherding 58.7m gross tons of shipping in some of the world’s most challenging sea conditions.

The Port’s solid financial position comes at a key time as it looks to the future, expanding its world-class pilotage capability, developing infrastructure to become a leading renewable energy hub, and developing its hospitality offering.

Investment in a new, first-in-class pilot boat during the year is a key step. The Port’s renewables growth strategy also took a significant step forward during the year with the completion of the enlarged slipway and new laydown areas, office facilities and workboat pontoons at Pembroke Port.

The Port saw a great return on its investment to build the Milford Waterfront Ty Hotel with strong performance in 2023.

Chief Executive Tom Sawyer said: “Every day, I see shining examples in our communities of how all this investment could help them realise their full potential. I am excited by the boundless opportunities ahead for us all.”