Former oil and gas professional Naomi Bowen is urging young people to consider a career in renewable energy and take advantage of the sector’s rapid growth as Wales heads towards net-zero.

Naomi was born and raised in Milford Haven. She worked in oil and gas in Pembrokeshire for over 14 years. Driven by the fight against climate change, she decided to transfer her skills and knowledge to the renewable energy sector, and now works as an assistant project manager at RWE looking after on-shore wind projects.

Speaking about the renewable energy sector in Pembrokeshire, Naomi said: “I don’t think young people are aware of all the different roles available within the sector, and the transferrable skills needed for many of the roles. Even though there is interest, they just aren’t aware of what is out there.

“There is so much variety and choice, especially for young women coming from STEM backgrounds, from tech and engineering to project management and design. Diversity within the renewables industry is getting better each year too, with more and more equality, it’s never felt more inclusive.“

Pembrokeshire already supplies a fifth of the UK’s energy needs, but there is a significant green energy skills gap associated with this transition, which is why professionals like Naomi want to highlight to prospective school leavers the opportunities available in the renewable energy industry.

View over the Cleddau Bridge towards Burton, MIlford Haven Waterway
Pembrokeshire supplies a fifth of the UK’s energy needs (Pic supplied)

“There are so many career opportunities here. I would urge the next generation of workers to seriously consider the renewable energy industry in Pembrokeshire.”

The call to arms comes as part of a wider push by Pembrokeshire County Council, its schools, Pembrokeshire College and industry leaders. Recent research shows that young people, Gen Z in particular, highly value environmental impact as a factor when looking for jobs. A number of projects are being delivered this year to inspire young people to consider career pathways in the sector, including the launch of a new film that showcases exciting opportunities in net-zero careers in Pembrokeshire.

For more information on the current and future opportunities available in the renewable energy industry in Pembrokeshire, visit