With temperatures set to plummet below freezing this week, Welsh Water is urging customers to act now and prepare their homes for winter, to protect against frozen and burst pipes.

When the temperatures drop, water in pipes and taps can freeze. As the water freezes it expands and can crack even in the strongest metal pipe which customers may only notice is a problem when the cracked pipe thaws and water starts leaking from it.

Pipes and taps that are outdoors or in unheated places like attics, kitchen cabinets or garages are more susceptible to freezing and bursting and can leave homes and businesses with no water, no heating, or a costly flood.

With the rising cost of living this year, many people may be turning off heating in their homes which may increase the risk of frozen pipes. Welsh Water shows customers how to protect exposed pipes by wrapping them with insulation or a lagging kit.

Welsh Water has some useful online hints and tips and videos on how customers can protect themselves from the risk of frozen or burst pipes.

They are also giving a limited number of free lagging kits to customers to protect exposed pipes and outdoor taps.

To find out more and to get a free lagging kit, visit dwrcymru.com/WinterReady.

Welsh Water’s Operational Services Director, Kit Wilson said: “The main problems I see in extreme freezing weather is frozen or burst outside pipes at people’s homes or businesses. This causes significant disruption to customers’ water supply and may also have an impact on their heating.

“It’s crucial at this time of year and especially now as temperatures are due to fall below zero that people protect their homes and be prepared if an emergency occurs.

“Customers can insulate outside pipes, clear gutters, have their boiler serviced, and in the case of emergency know where their stop tap is and have a plumber contact detail to hand.”

Welsh Water also provides help for vulnerable customers if they sign up to the Priority Services Register.

This means customers can get help with bottled water if their water supply is interrupted by an issue on the Welsh Water network, have alternative ways of getting information and reassurance against bogus callers.

More information can be found here: https://www.dwrcymru.com/en/help-advice/priority-services.