Tenby RNLI’s volunteer crew gave a helping hand to a boat that had suffered engine failure after leaving the Stackpole area.

All-weather lifeboat the Haydn Miller was requested to launch at 7 pm on Monday, July 29, following a call to the Coastguard from a concerned relative of the occupants of a small vessel that had suffered engine failure after leaving Stackpole.

As Tenby RNLI’s inshore lifeboat was already out on exercise, it was also requested to proceed.

Having already been on the water when the call came in, the inshore arrived on scene first and was requested to perform a search from Freshwater East, around to Stackpole.

They were soon joined by the Haydn Miller, whose crew were tasked to search from St Govans back around to Stackpole.

Within a few minutes, the crew of the inshore lifeboat spotted a boat matching the description, attempting to row towards Stackpole, but making very little progress.

After going alongside, the occupants confirmed it was them that had suffered engine failure.

The vessel was taken in tow the short distance back around the headland and safely into Stackpole.

Both lifeboats returned to station, arriving at 8.15 pm.