Tenby’s lifeboat crew were called away from their charity car wash this Saturday to come to the aid of a casualty on cliffs in dense fog.
The RNLI’s all-weather lifeboat the Haydn Miller launched during the volunteer crew’s annual car wash at Tenby Fire Station.
The crew’s pagers went off, requesting the lifeboat be launched to go to the aid of a cliff caller who had suffered a lower leg injury at Saddle Head, some 12 miles to west of the station.
The crew were on the water at 12.10pm and made best speed in restricted visibility due to dense fog patches, arriving on scene some 35mins later.
With the Y-boat ready for launch with medical gasses and first aid equipment ready, the crew stood-by in case required, as the Coastguard rescue helicopter, which had had arrived on scene at the same time as the lifeboat, assessed the area.
While the lifeboat crew and Tenby and St Govans Coastguard teams looked on, the pilot made the decision to winch the injured casualty from the cliffs, which was done with incredible skill in very limited visibility due to the dense fog.
The helicopter then landed at the top of the cliff, before handing the casualty over to an awaiting Welsh Ambulance Service crew.
With the casualty safely in the ambulance, the lifeboat was stood down and returned to station, arriving at 2.25 pm.
Despite having a shout halfway through, the RNLI annual car wash this morning was another huge success, with many thanks to everyone at Tenby Fire Station for once again providing the venue and for all their help!!