It would be remiss of this publication were it not to comment on the elevation of Eluned Morgan to the position of First Minister for Wales.

Congratulations on being the first woman to hold the highest elected office in this nation, and it is no doubt the highlight of your long career in politics so far.

But let’s not get carried away here.

Labour in Wales is in a mess and the manner and means of the departure of Vaughan Gething from the position Ms Morgan now holds speak to that chaos within the party at the Senedd.

Gething’s backside barely had time to keep the seat warm for the new First Minister. And she leads a party that still has questions to answer over how and why it allowed its ‘open’ leadership race to descent into chaos, notwithstanding that small matter of a £200,000 from a company owned by a man with convictions for playing fast and loose with the rules to protect the environment.

Both Gething and Morgan have made much of the fact that they will have little problem getting along with the new Labour Government in Westminster. While that may make for good sound bites, there is a far different reality in their nation that anyone and everyone who has to use any and every public service is only too well aware. This nation is broke. And broken.

And no other party has been in power in Cardiff since devolution. No other party has held the office of First Minister. And no other party is directly to blame for this. Labour. Labour. Labour.

All we need do is cast our mind back to the torrid months of chaos that surrounded another short-lived leader, one Elizabeth Truss. Remember her? And remember too the election by Conservatives of Rishi Sunak. Oh, we remember only too well.

What’s more, we remember the howls of derision from Labour that those leaders of the nation were unelected, and that was a need for general election, to let the people decide.

Seems that those words don’t apply when it comes to Labour itself in the Senedd. Strange that...