Work begins this month on making a ‘treacherous’ stretch of road in Pembrokeshire safer, with traffic lights set to be installed at the dangerous ‘black spot’.

Campaigners have long been calling for safety changes to the Nash Fingerpost Junction, petitioning to try and force the Senedd and the Highways Authorities to reconsider the layout of the busy junction along the A477 to A4075, between Milton and Pembroke Dock.

A string of accidents down the years, most recently the tragic fatality back in May of last year when twenty-nine-year-old motorcyclist Ashley Rogers of Kilgetty lost his life at the spot, saw petitioners step-up their efforts to see safety issues surrounding this particular junction finally addressed, with urgent alterations called for.

Senedd Member for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire Samuel Kurtz has also kept pressure on the Welsh Government to deliver the promised safety improvements.

Sharing an update, county councillor for the Lamphey ward Cllr Tessa Hodgson posted information that the works will be undertaken at the location between Sunday, May 19 and mid-September; with the contractor working up to 12 hours a day, 6-days a week from Sunday to Friday, between 7am and 7pm.

The contractors behind the work have stated that every effort will be made to ‘minimise disruption’ during the busy summer holiday period.

The work will see the installation of new traffic light signals at the junction, as well as kerb line realignments and upgrading of the existing active travel route.

Temporary traffic signals will be in place for the whole duration of the programme for the safety of the motorists manoeuvring the junction and operatives whilst the improvements work is undertaken for the South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWTRA).

A477 fingerpost
A477 fingerpost (Google Street View)

Phase 1 works (Eastbound) commencing on May 19 are scheduled for completion by the middle of July 2024.

Phase 2 works (Westbound) will commence in July, with all works to be be suspended over the full Summer embargo period from August 22 to 27.

Works will then recommence on August 27 until mid-September 2024.

“This could result in traffic disruption at intervals and I take this opportunity in apologising in advance for any inconvenience incurred,” said a spokesperson for the principal contractor.

“It is essential that these works take place to improve road safety at this location. Every effort will be made to minimise disruption during the summer months.

“There will be no traffic management on site during the Summer Bank Holiday weekend.”