Whitland Town Council members received an update at their recent meeting regarding the application for Section 106 funding to assist with the purchase of play equipment for phase 2 at Parc Dr Owen.
Information was received from Carmarthenshire County Council relating to the recent application for funding from Section 106 contributions towards phase 2 of play equipment to be placed at Parc Dr Owen.
Councillors heard that the 30 day consultation had finished and the application is being considered by Carmarthenshire County Council Cabinet Members.
On plans for a ‘tidy up day’ at Bryngwenllian Play Park to carry out cleaning and requisite works identified in the recent annual report, Cllr Shipton advised his fellow members that he would attend and pressure wash the play equipment.
This will be further considered at the next meeting with a provisional date of July 16 for any works to be carried out.