The following matters were discussed and considered at the most recent meeting of Whitland Town Council.
It was reported that the unveiling of Clr. Ron Jenkins MBE (Rtd) plaque was well attended by his family and councillors. Following the unveiling all in attendance were invited into the Station House for light refreshments, with the celebrations continuing into the afternoon with a lot of reminiscing.
Mayor, Clr. Jenny Davies-Scourfield attended this season’s opening of the Bowling Club, making a donation of £50 to the Club on behalf of the Whitland Town Council.
Councillors heard that several emails had been sent requesting an update to the Town Council’s application for Section 106 funding towards the resurfacing of the Bryngwenllian safety surfaces – but no responses had been received as of yet, despite the decision date being the end of March 2022.
Correspondence had been received advising that the work on the bus park situate in West Street was due to commence this month.
Email had been received from Western Power Distribution requesting permission to trim trees situate in the Pocket park, which are interfering with the overhead cables, with the scheduled works approved.
Correspondence was received advising that the deadline for the submission of the Capital Grant Funding application (second stage) has been extended to the end of November 2022. The land to be used for the car park is yet to be agreed upon, therefore the application process is not able to move forward until this has been confirmed.
An email had been received from a Carmarthenshire County Council planning enforcement officer advising that an inspection will take place with regard to the ongoing issues and possible flooding problems regarding the earth banks at Trevaughn Lodge.
On behalf of the Grounds Working Party, Clr. Shipton reported that an infestation of moles has been noted at the Trevaughn play area, with the matter being addressed by a professional pest control company.
Arrangements continue to remove the plaque from the stone structure and then the structure itself from the entrance to the Pocket Park. The Jubilee Beacon is in the process of being made.
On behalf of the LEADER Digital Project, Clr. Chapman reported that the website was in the design stage, with the first draft of the design expected very soon from the designers.
The Welsh Translation may not be available on the initial launch of the site, with this to be confirmed as the design progresses.
Considerations for discussion at the next meeting which will be held on Monday, May 9, at 7 pm via Zoom, included - the possibility of Whitland Town Council purchasing a new Chain of Office as all the links are filled on the existing Chain; as well as the possibility of the Town Council commencing a Youth Council.