Today (Thursday) marks the closure of The Caldey Island Shop in Tenby described as the ‘pinnacle of the community’ by some locals.

Situated in the heart of the town, the shop opened in the 1960s to supplement the income of Caldey Island, and to this end, has served the island’s community for nearly 60 years.

Over that time, it has been a focus for locals and tourists in order to buy the produce of the island, e.g. perfume, chocolates, books, cards, DVDs, jewellery and religious artefacts.

“The shop has been a very strong advertisement in town for thousands of visitors over the years, and the devoted and loyal staff have given up their lives for the good of the island’s monastic community,” remarked Albie Smosarski, who runs the Cofion bookshop nearby.

Staff members of the Caldey Shop have thanked everyone for their support over the years.

“At this this sad time for us, we would like to thank all locals and visitors who have shopped, supported and visited the shop over the years. We shall miss you all!” they said.