Christmas is a time for ‘generosity, for giving and community spirit’ - said Wales’ First Minister in his festive message.
“Nadolig Llawen i bawb. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope this will be a time of rest and of peace,” said Mark Drakeford.
“For the first time since the pandemic started, we will have a chance to spend this time of year with friends and families – as we have done for years before.
“As we do, think about all those who can’t be with their families; who are affected by war and famine around the world.
“Christmas is a time for generosity, for giving and community spirit.
“Let’s also think about all those people who will be working this Christmas to keep us safe over the festive period.
“From community volunteers to NHS staff and our emergency services.
“Thank you for everything you do.
“Diolch yn fawr i chi gyd.
I wish you all a happy, restful and peaceful Christmas.
“Merry Christmas. Nadolig Llawen i chi gyd.”