Sunday sailing

It was a bright and crisp morning on Sunday, with the sun shining brightly and the wind building from the north-west. Rather surprisingly, following the club AGM and prize-giving the night before, the largest fleet of eight boats that has competed in the winter series appeared as if by magic.

After a enjoying a lie-in, race officer Paul Evenden set a large triangular course out in the bay and by the time of the start the wind had risen to a testing 4/5.

At the start it was the four Ospreys of Mike Stace and Deanna Morton, Ted Lewis and Matt Goldwait, Alistair Knibb and Alistair Mackay and, making his first appearance of the season in the Osprey fleet, club champion, Nick Berridge, with new crewmen Richard John.

In the asymmetric fleet, it was the RS800 of Dan Jackson with Marc Shepherd, the RS500 of Edward Dashfield and Emily Kirby and the 29er of Tommy D'Ortez and Conor Keohane.

All boats made a good start, led away by Mike Stace at the rescue boat end, and the race to the windward mark at Monkstone Point, about a mile away, was on. Ted and Matt headed out to sea, searching for the stronger conditions but, rather surprisingly, it paid to tack towards the cliff where a bend in the wind lifted the boats to the mark.

All boats were in contention at the windward mark and the fleet bore off to go downwind, raising spinnakers as they did so. The faster RS boats and the 29er really came into their own on the downwind legs but, over the subsequent laps, frequently lost distance to the Ospreys going up wind.

After a fiercely contested and enjoyable three-lap race, including some fast spinnaker reaching in the rising wind, the final positions on corrected time were:

1. Edward Dashfield and Emily Kirby in their RS 500; 2. Mike Stace and Deanna Morton in their Osprey; 3. Tommy D'Ortez and Conor Keohane posting their first podium result in the 29er; 4. Ted Lewis and Matt Goldwait in their Osprey; 5. Dan Jackson and Mark Shepherd in the RS800; 6. Nick Berridge with Richard John in their Osprey, Richard enjoying his first outing in a dinghy for 25 years; 7. The Alistairs in their Osprey had to retire because of time difficulties.

Racing as usual this Sunday.


The incredible sometimes happens. Yes, we won! After a slow start, captain, Terry Evans, and vice-captain, Colin Parmenter, led by example to set the scene for an historic win. We even won the 1001, a first for us! Let us hope we can build on the back of this unexpected success. This evening we are away to the Swanlake Inn, a team well up in the league. In Terry's absence, Colin will have to make the sometimes painful decisions in team selection. Leadership has its demands!

AGM and Prize-Giving

The AGM and prize-giving was well attended and very successful. Following the afore-mentioned, members enjoyed the commodore's reception, a finger buffet prepared by madame commodore, Julia Dashfield. There will be a full report, plus photos, on the AGM and prize-giving in next week's article.

Jam Evening

Wednesday's jam session went well as usual, with some fine music being played. Many thanks to Will Scott and Terry Evans for co-ordinating the event. The next session is scheduled for Wednesday, December 17. There will be a festive theme, so why not join us for what promises to be a great evening. It's the place to be!

Junior Party and Prize-Giving

This annual event takes place on Saturday, December 13. There will be games and lots of fun activities to entertain the juniors. Parents are cordially invited and the club would be grateful if they could contribute to the success of the evening by providing some nibbles.

Christmas Party

This fun evening takes place on Saturday, December 20. There will be paninis and steak baguettes on offer as well as the traditional mince pies and 'lemonade'. All members and friends are invited to attend and enjoy some festive spree.

NewYear's Eve

The format for New Year's Eve is the same as last year. There will be a carvery laid on for limited numbers only. Please contact Mark Dashfield on 844918 to make a reservation. Members and friends not wishing to participate in the carvery are invited to join in the festivities.


A newsletter is being circulated to members 'as we speak'. It contains details of the social events planned for the near future and summarises the sailing calendar for major events. How does a folk evening, a Mamma Mia evening etc sound? Watch this space!

Club Openings

The opening hours have reverted to Friday and Saturday evenings, with the occasional function thrown in. Any time variation will be published in advance. On a procedural note, would members please have their membership cards to hand as temporary bar staff may not know the identity of all our members?

Club Calendar

Looking for a Christmas present? Great news! The 2009 club calendar is now available at the same price as this year's. They are available from the clubhouse, Commodore Mark Dashfield (844918) or via the club's website by filling an appropriate order from. Order now while stocks last.


Information on race results etc. can be found on the club's website.

Future Events

Saturday, December 13 - annual junior party and prize-giving; Saturday, December 20 - club Christmas party; Boxing Day - annual draw after the Boxing Day Swim; New Year's Eve - commodore's carvery and party

This is a very friendly and welcoming club, which endeavours to involve all members in a variety of activities. If anyone would like to join us, now is an ideal time, especially with the discount still on offer. Contact any member who will be delighted to furnish you with further details.
