Tenby’s Jubilee Play Park re-opened on Monday in line with Welsh Government measures on lifting restrictions as part of the latest review of the Coronavirus regulations.

The play area which sits alongside the skatepark overlooking the South Beach has a list of guidelines set out for users as they enter:

• If the area is busy come back later

• Do not use the play area if you feel ill or someone in your bubble is ill

• Only one household or bubble per piece of equipment e.g. climbing frame, swings

• Bring your own sanitiser to clean your hands before and after using equipment

• Avoid touching your face

• Wash your hands with soap and warm water as soon as you can

• Stay safe by staying apart whilst waiting to use equipment

• We do not clean equipment so you may choose to wipe it before touching it (don’t forget to put your wipe in the bin)

• Please place all litter in the bins

“Please judge the risk of Covid-19 before entering the play area; and we recommend that you follow the advice given given on posters in the park,” said clerk to Tenby town council Andrew Davies.

“We have only been able to have one toddler swing operational due to social distancing guidelines and sadly the roundabout has had to be removed due to vandalism,” he added.