Tenby Junior School has just been awarded Fairtrade School status for all its hard work in promoting and celebrating Fairtrade products.

Two years ago the school started collecting and collating evidence of all the Fairtrade events held at the school, including Fairtrade tea and coffee tasting for the staff, selling Fairtrade bananas which were kindly donated form Sainsbury's, converting the school staff and the PTA to buying Fairtrade products.

They also held assemblies and had lessons about Fairtrade as well as forming a steering group, adopting a whole school Fairtrade policy, inviting speakers in, including the Tearfund, and even welcoming a banana producer from the other side of the world!

The award of the Fairtrade flag and certificates and being able to use the Fairtrade symbol on their school documents, was awarded by Janie Pridham, sustainable schools officer for Pembrokeshire, and Sharron Hardwick, of Fairtrade and Tearfund, to Archie Hughes and Martha McKinley (school ambassadors), Aran Hinman (sports ambassador), Mrs. Jan Llewellyn (headteacher) and Mrs. Nan Dowell (Fairtrade co-ordinator for Tenby Junior School).

They were also congratulated on being only the third school in Pembrokeshire to achieve this.

Next week, the school is being introduced to Foncho, a Brazilian Fairtrade producer, and will be having a Fairtrade banana day to celebrate.