The second meeting in June and where has the time gone? Margaret asks, "Why are the weekends getting closer together?" This must be the constant cry from all us crumblies (writes L.D.).

With a new meeting before us, it was a pleasure to welcome Don Kale into membership. The meeting started promptly with a loud bang of the president's gavel. There were several absentees, including Tony Webster, who was the only anniversary member. Best wishes were sent to him.

Arthur reminded the meeting of the day trip planned for July 29 to visit Aberaeron and Llanerchaeron National Trust property. Contact him on 843694 if you are interested.

Darrel John has produced, on the computer, a disc of 189 photos which he took on our recent trip to the Peaks. It was decided that Ray Poole would show these in a slide presentation for Ladies Day at the end of September. If you travelled with us and want to see yourselves on the big screen, then come along for the morning on July 29. All will be welcomed.

Speaker was Ron Hurlow and he had a list of sporting quotes, courtesy of Jack Davies. It was a very humorous talk, but too near the knuckle to print in this paper. Thank you, Ron, for a good laugh.

The next meeting is on July 1 when our speaker will be Arthur Squibbs or someone else. We are very flexible about this. Contact Lew Day for more information on 844633.