At a recent meeting of St. Mary’s Mothers’ Union, Samantha Duggan, the area representative of Plant Dewi, was warmly welcomed by all of members. Sam is the brains behind the excellent Baby Bundle scheme, a project to support vulnerable families within the diocese of St. Davids.

After a first class presentation concerning the work of Plant Dewi, Samantha was delighted to accept the tremendous quantity of clothes and equipment which had been collected in order to support this essential scheme.

Leader, Ellen, along with the committee members, would like to sincerely thank members of MU, parishioners at St. Mary’s and friends in the wider community for their generosity and kindness shown in providing so many items for new babies whose families need a helping hand at a very expensive time.

Samantha Duggan is seen at the centre of the group of MU members, displaying some of the beautiful clothing donated.