With significant personal sacrifices, the members of St. Mary's Benefice forced themselves to consume considerable amounts of mini chocolate eggs and Smarties prior to the beginning of Lent. Hard as it was, however, it was all for a good cause! The empty tubes were filled with 20 pence pieces and the money saved collected on Easter Sunday.

At last Sunday's service, our Plant Dewi representative, Mrs. Suzanne Bevan, was delighted to receive a cheque for the magnificent sum of £1,240, presented by Lewis Thompson, of the Sunday Funclub.

What an excellent scheme this turned out to be, particularly pleasing that in Tenby we have demonstrated such strong support for the Church in Wales' own children's charity.

The monthly benefice service was conducted by Rector Andrew, assisted by Curate Alex, soon to be ordained priest at St. David's Cathedral.

In his address, the Rector referred to the three scripture readings, all of which made mention of garments of various kinds.

From the book of Genesis, we heard of Joseph's coat of many colours. In Ephesians, Paul wrote about our need to put on the whole armour of God, and from St. John's Gospel, the story of the soldiers casting lots for Jesus' tunic was retold. The significance of garments was further illustrated when the Rector called our Team Vicar, Robb Wainwright, forward in order to bless a beautiful chasuble, made especially for Robb by a close friend. The magnificent vestment, worn by all priests when they celebrate the Eucharist, represents the seamless robe worn by Our Lord before his crucifixion. The striking colours and modern design of this beautiful garment was much admired by the congregation.

As always, prayers were said for individuals in the area and those known personally to church members who are unwell at this time, at home or in hospital. We especially remember and pray for a return to good health for our junior church leader, Nan Dowell, whose commitment and dedication to the children is so much appreciated.

During the service, the junior choir, under the direction of Mrs. Judy Davies, performed two lovely choral pieces and our church choir also delighted all with their harmonious voices.

A coffee morning for the Benefice Youth had been held on Saturday and £150 was raised through a raffle and cake sale. Grateful thanks were expressed to all those who so willingly lead and support the young people each week at their meetings and for church members who, in turn, support the various fundraising activities.