On Sunday, Rev. Nanette Lewis Head, after thanking Thomas Dunlop for reading the call to worship, said how good it was to come to worship on such a lovely morning, one of God's gifts, as is each day.

'God's gifts' was the theme for worship and Nanette spoke to the children about how often we think that we have no gifts, until we consider what is meant by gifts. They are for giving and receiving. A happy smile can lighten someone's day, learning to play a musical instrument, to paint, the skills of football to help your team to win.

Nanette referred to the story of Jesus' first ministry at the wedding at Cana, where he changed water into wine and began to show his gifts.

Mrs. Mollie Neate read the narrative from John 2, 1 -11, and also the passage from 1 Corinthians 12, 4-11, where Paul writes of different kinds of gifts. Nanette used both of these readings in her sermon. She moved on from what she had shared with the children and posed the questions 'How should we regard gifts?'. 'What are our gifts?', 'What has God prepared for me to do?'

There are many gifts within the church, praying, writing, visiting, welcoming, singing, creating to name but a few. Without them, the ministry of Christ would not touch the lives of many people both within and without the church. God has given us gifts, great and small, we should claim and use them joyfully that we may proclaim in the words of the opening hymn 'Jesus is Lord'.

Thank you, Nanette, for the encouragement to think positively about the value and use of the gifts which we have. Thank you also to Thomas, Mollie, and the singing group, for their valued contribution to worship and to Mr. Alan Adams on the organ, who sent members on their way with a joyful rendition of 'What a friend we have in Jesus'.

This Sunday, at 10.30 am, Nanette will again lead worship, to which all are welcome.