Evensong service last Sunday was conducted by the vicar, Rev. Victor Millgate The readings were taken from Ezechiel and Corinthians.
In his sermon, the vicar drew from both lessons which illustrated how those who are proclaiming and spreading God's words and ways, should not be discouraged by the way this is received. It is the message which is important. All of us who have accepted Christ are called to be his servants. It is not for us to question, but to listen to the word of God, the heart of the Church, the Gospel of Salvation, and our duty is to share this with others.
The service this week is a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 11.15 am and a warm invitation to share in worship is extended to all.
Important reminder: By the time you read this, the Festival of Flowers and Craft will have started, but it will still be open on today (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday) from 9.30 am to 6 pm, so do go along and enjoy it; there are refreshments available.
To complete the week, there is a concert by the Quaynotes Choir on Sunday evening at 8 pm in the church. Tickets are £5 each and will be available at the door. There will be a selection of contemporary and religious music which will appeal to all - do help 'raise the roof'.