Last Sunday, Trinity Sunday, the Holy Eucharist service was a celebration of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament reading was from Isaiah 40: 12-17 27-31 (about God's Greatness). The New Testament reading was from 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13 (Paul's final greetings to the people of Corinth). The Holy Gospel was from St. Mathew 28: 16-20. Our vicar, Rev. Vic Millgate, said that sometimes people thought that the Holy Spirit came in third place in the Trinity; this was not so, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are of equal importance and always have been since the beginning of time. Drawing from the Gospel, he reminded us of the words of Jesus to his disciples when he was instructing them to spread the word to all nations, 'remember I am with you always to the end of the age'. The vicar said if we have faith and live by God's word, we can have no greater gift than his promise. There was the opportunity to buy from a wide selection of Fairtrade goods after the service. The service this Sunday at St. James is Holy Eucharist at 11.15 am. If you would like a lift to this or any other service at St. James, please ring (01834) 871604 or 871591 and this will be arranged. A warm welcome is extended to all; we have excellent access from the car park for the disabled or 'unsteady' and a children's corner for the young ones.