SI Tenby and The Tenby Salvation Army will join forces next Wednesday, August 13, on a sponsored walk through the town to help raise awareness of human trafficking and modern-day slavery.. Human trafficking involves the act of recruiting, transporting, harbouring or receiving a person through the use of force, deception or other means for the purpose of exploiting them. Twenty-seven per cent of all victims are children and the vast majority of detected trafficked persons are girls or women. Fighting human trafficking should not just be seen as the responsibility of the authorities. Everyone can help tackle this crime by being aware of it and making sure that the plight of victims does not go unnoticed. Captain David Morgans, the newly-installed Commanding Officer of Tenby Salvation Army, and SI Tenby president Dr. Anne Kelly will lead the walk. Participants should assemble at 6 pm at the Beatrix Potter Garden on The Norton. The walk will then commence at 6.30 pm, proceeding down to the harbour via The Croft and the High Street and returning up Crackwell Street back to The Norton. Refreshments, kindly donated by Sainsbury's and Celtic Fayre, will be provided at the gardens prior to the walk and en-route. All sponsorship money will be donated to the Salvation Army who provides support for the victims of human trafficking to help them start to reclaim their freedom. SI Tenby hopes that all local organisations and concerned members of our community will participate in this important event and stand up for those whose voices have been silenced by traffickers.