Tenby students are to join forces with the seaside town’s Mayor and a local artist for a series of events to make the most of their picturesque surroundings and showcase their creative skills at the same time - along with anyone else who fancies picking up a paint brush and easel!

Mayor Cllr Dai Morgan and fellow Town Council member Cllr Tom Sloan who has held exhibitions at Tenby Museum and Art Gallery as well as featuring on Sky Arts’ Landscape Artist of the Year programme, recently approached Greenhill School about an idea to involve the students, meeting with head David Haynes and head of art Ali Lambert.

Tenby Castle Beach
The view from Castle Hill - Castle Beach and St Catherine's Island (Pic. Gareth Davies Photography)

“It started off with the idea of a ‘Tenby arts fair’ to be held on South Parade on June 5 and July 17, where the students would have some stalls in amongst other traders, so hopefully they could not only show off their art, but commercially, go one step further and sell their own prints,” explained Cllr Morgan.

“We then eventually agreed that the next event ‘Paint Castle Hill’ to be held on July 3, should be open to anyone to have a go, no matter if you're a professional artist or if you have never picked up a brush before!

Castle Hill Tenby
Castle Hill Tenby (Observer pic)

“Those taking part can pick a spot on Castle Hill and paint, draw or sketch whatever they see, which would then link into the third and final event, a Tenby Arts Show in the De Valence Pavilion on August 10 and 11, where anyone, if they wish, can exhibit their work.”

All events are free to enter and you can just show up with no need to book.

“These events will hopefully happen every year and they are the foundations of many more art events to come for the community to get involved,” added Cllr Morgan.

All events will take place between 10am and 4pm.

To keep up to date you can follow ‘Tenby Arts Events’ on Facebook or contact the Town Council on 01834 842370.

Some availability is left for the arts fair market stalls. If anyone would like a space, please email: [email protected]