Abuse across Pembrokeshire of holiday guests using public bins to dispose of their waste when they leave, is a topic that won’t go away, a seaside county councillor on a crusade to clampdown on the issue, has stated.

Saundersfoot’s county councillor for the village’s south ward Cllr Chris Williams said that over the summer period he had cause to report issues each month to Pembrokeshire County Council of instances of fly-tipping into public bins.

Cllr Williams said that numerous individuals continued to be caught putting holiday let waste into bins over September.

“One particular gentleman informed me he was allowed to, as it stated in his property that waste can be deposited into the recycle bins; and on inspection of the literature, I immediately contacted the letting agent and PCC,” he said.

“Powell’s Cottage Holidays on the Strand were happy for me to name them and show the work they have been doing over the summer weeks to make sure that their properties comply with waste agreements.

“Powell’s has certainly been busy and at that particular property and removed the literature. They are also engaging with all property owners that they have waste management in place.

“They have also informed me that they have recently signed up properties to trade waste agreements and will continue to liaise with their customers.

Saundersfoot bins
Bins placed around Saundersfoot and other Pembrokeshire towns carry info to explain that no domestic or household waste should be put inside (Observer pic)

“One loophole has come to light for holiday homes managed by the owners that live nearby. These owners state that they manage the waste and take them away.

“Unfortunately, this isn’t possible, as Pembrokeshire County Council has stated to myself that any waste generated at a property can’t be taken away unless there is a trade waste agreement in place.

“This makes total sense as you don’t want owners or cleaners taking their waste back to their own properties and sorting it through their own residential waste, which is currently happening. This is unacceptable and is adding cost to the tax payers of Pembrokeshire,” he continued.

“If you have a second home that generates waste then you should have a trade waste agreement and do the right thing in that community.

“The current abuse across our county by unscrupulous second home owners is adding time and money to a system that is already bulging at the seams.

“This is a topic I’m determined and desperate to improve and we are getting there slowly. I have complained about this for over twelve months and have asked Saundersfoot to be used as a trial basis.”

Cllr Williams said that he had reported 35 incidents over the summer, and PCC are working through all the files on each investigation.

He said that nine investigations have been closed with the relevant information provided to provide compliance from a trade waste perspective; whilst three investigations remain open as they require legal advice on the next steps due to some complexities.

Cllr Williams said he was waiting on the remaining properties that have some imminent deadlines for responses from the businesses.

“Due to the vigilant work by many in the village and the way that each individual property is reported to PCC I’m delighted to share that PCC have received confirmation that they have been successful with our initiative fund to support ‘Trade Waste Compliance’ across Pembrokeshire,” he continued.

“This now involves the recruitment of an individual to support this work from an office based perspective and through which the compliance model can be finalised, to enable the trial to commence and engagement with the relevant businesses and management companies.

“This will also be supported by the Enviro crime officers to look at fly-tipping enforcement which links to this work where visitors continue to abuse the local litter bins.

Litter pick
Volunteers conducting a recent litter pick in the village (Saundersfoot Connect)

“PCC has also confirmed that any waste taken away from a property must have a trade waste agreement in place.

“I would like to thank Powell’s Cottage holidays, Puffin Cottage Holidays and Pembrokeshire Property Management, who have been very supportive and have systems in place to make sure that all the properties advertised have the correct procedures in place.

“It’s about communication and I’m still waiting for PCC to find a date where all the relevant parties can meet up in Saundersfoot to look at how we can improve things further.

“Finally I would like to thank the Harbour Manager who has informed me that there is now CCTV covering the bins at the top of the slipway.

“This is to make sure we are all working together to keep the village as clean as possible,” he added.