Bowls and Bangers Evening

Ancient Mariner had a lapse of concentration last week and quoted the wrong date for the Bowls and Bangers evening. No harm was done; the event had been fully booked, all turned up and had a most enjoyable evening. Perhaps the avid readers hanging on his every word exist only in AM's imagination. At the last minute, it was realised that exactly half the required quantity of bangers had been ordered: this most serious crisis was averted by a last- minute dash to Kilgetty Co-op. Once upon a time, all grocery shops would have closed at 5.30 pm and we can be thankful that times have changed in that respect. Once this mishap was sorted, Norma Smith and Wendy Hope provided a first-class supper which was greatly enjoyed by all. A big thank you to them and also to Trevor Smith and Geoff Hope for manning the bar and to our Commodore John Hollies who doubled as head waiter for the evening. Highest scorers in the bowling were as follows: 1st male - John Hollies, 2nd male - Simon Bramhall, 1st lady - Jackie ?, 2nd lady - May McDermott. Such was the success of the entire event that there is a 'groundswell of opinion' in favour of a repeat performance later in the year.

First Aid Course

This course has been fully booked for some time, and will commence at 9.30 am on Sunday, February 19, with a short break for lunch. Would other club members please note that the normal Sunday lunchtime facilities will not be available on this date.

Working Party

The pre-season chain gangs start in earnest on Sunday at 10.30 am. Please contact Bosun Graham Wellman for details.

Quiz Night

Please note there is a change of date for this (a genuine change, not a 'senior moment' by Ancient Mariner). The new date is February 24 at 8 pm. For further details, please contact Anita Osborne (tel. 812383 or 07818293954).

Sail Training

Can all last year's trainees please send their forms back to Tina Osborne as soon as possible. We need the information to help to organise helpers and boats. For further information, please contact Tina on 07818293954.