Social Programme

February 18 - Bangers and Bowls Evening. This is now fully booked. Would all competitors please be at Canaston Bowl by 6.45 pm sharpest, so that Anita can allocate teams to lanes. The future social programme has been changed slightly, and now reads as follows: Friday, February 24, 8 pm - Quiz Night. Friday, March 10, 8 pm - Games Night. 'They' have not yet told us what games we are going to play, but we await with keen anticipation! Friday, March 24, 8 pm - Beetle Drive. Another opportunity to experience that adrenalin rush and rising blood pressure and further proof of the St. Petersburg Principle - which should be known to every gambler, but isn't. Saturday, April 1, 8 pm - at last - the Fitting Out Supper. An inevitably cheerful affair signalling the start of another season on the water. Further details will be announced later. Work Parties

It's that time of year again when we need to start checking and maintaining the club and its boats. All volunteers are welcome. Work parties will be held on Saturdays and Sundays starting at 10.30 am. The first one will be held on Sunday, February 19. Please contact Graham for details.

And Now Welcome to the 21st Century

We may prefer an ancient method of marine propulsion, but in all other respects, we are right up there with the latest. Recently, Malcolm Williams, our Sail Training principal, has run a weekly course on power boat procedure linked to club races and regattas. It proved a successful innovation and another will be arranged at a later date for all new volunteers. It has become apparent that Malcolm's course notes form an excellent reference manual for all our patrol boat crews, experienced or otherwise. It has also become glaringly obvious that the right place to file this manual is on the club website, where it can be accessed any time of the day or night by all members wherever they may be. We are currently editing Malcolm's notes into Hypertext form - so look out for this new method of communication on our website '">' - which is ably mastered by Nick Johns and packed with up to date news, information and pictures. As a further extension of the website as a means of communication, Ancient Mariner has been charged with producing resumes of the minutes of club committee meetings so that members will have ready access to the deliberations of that august body.

Ancient Mariner