A Saundersfoot resident has had a replica of her dad’s George Medal awarded for gallantry, presented to her thanks to the generosity of her local Community Council.

A George Medal with Sub Officer William M. Brown’s name engraved around the edge, along with a Defence Medal was presented to Mrs Veronica Prescott-Owen as a surprise at the Lunch Club held on May 31 in the Regency Hall, Saundersfoot, after she had previously relayed the sad story to Cllr Mick Knibbs about how she was burgled and her late father’s medal stolen.

During the Coronation tea party held at The Regency, Mrs Prescott-Owen asked Councillor Knibbs about the medals he was wearing and then proceeded to tell him the sad story about her home being burgled and two medals one of which was the George Medal were stolen.

George medal
(Pic. Gareth Davies Photography)

On August 19, 1940 a German bomber bombed the Milford Haven Oil Refinery four times.

650 firefighters including some from the Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS) attended, coming from 22 different fire stations, some as far away as Birmingham and fought the fire for three days.

There were five deaths and 1,100 people were injured, 38 seriously.

Mrs Prescott-Owen’s father was Sub Officer William. M. Brown from AFS Cardiff, and for his bravery during the incident he was awarded the George Medal, the highest civilian award for bravery anyone can receive.

The burglar who stole the medals was caught and convicted, however in court he said he didn’t know the name of the person who he had passed the medals onto, so they where never returned to the family, and records show the George Medal was not auctioned in the UK.

Mrs Prescott-Owen told Cllr Knibbs: ‘The one thing I would love to have back before I die is my father’s George Medal and my grandmother’s Defence Medal’ -awarded to her gran, as she was a Fire Warden during WWII, which was the other medal stolen.

Cllr Knibbs then told the Community Council chairman Cllr Martyn Williams BEM the story and suggested the Council should purchase a replica copy of the George Medal and present it to Mrs Prescott-Owen.

She thanked the Community Council for their kindness and generosity, commenting: “I am so happy, this has made my year!”

Pictured are Cllr Martin Williams BEM, (Chairman) SCC Mrs Veronica Prescott-Owen and Councillor Mike Knibbs.