Saundersfoot Harbour’s newly appointed Chief Executive Officer has been wished well by one of the seaside town’s county councillors - but also urged to ensure that engagement with the community and its stakeholders is taken on board.

Nicola Gandy, former head of planning at Pembrokeshire County Council; and director of planning and park direction at the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, has taken on the position, after the departure of Michael Davies who had undertaken the role for the past 10 years

“During October I met with, Nicola Gandy, the newly appointed Harbour CEO, who is due to start her full time role at the end of the month and I wish her well,” said county councillor for Saundersfoot’s South ward Chris Williams.

“It was obvious to me that she’s excited at the prospect of leading Saundersfoot ‘Trust Port’ forward and the challenges that this will bring.

“During conversation, I did raise some personal concerns, and that of many local people, about the harbour.

“It is felt that in the past the harbour hadn’t fully engaged with the community and its stakeholders.

“Now that the majority of main works are complete, I see this as the perfect opportunity - with Nicola’s appointment - to focus more on inclusiveness within the village and surrounding communities,” he continued.

“Nicola certainly gave the impression that she would like to see a diary of events on the decking and that these events need to be more varied and where possible, localized in their composition.

“I feel that to date, there has been a missed opportunity in showcasing the harbour venues and the local talents that are on offer.

“There are excellent opportunities to continue to host music based events, as well as local produce and market themed events to name but a few.

“Going forward, it will be in both the harbour’e and the village’s interest to work more closely and implement clear lines of communication to ensure that Saundersfoot and ‘The Trust Port’ continue to thrive, not just on a local level but beyond.

“I believe that Nicola’s appointment will enhance our village’s ethos of togetherness and inclusiveness and I look forward to working with her over the coming years within my role as County Councillor,” added Cllr Williams.