To mark Saundersfoot in Bloom’s entry into 'Britain in Bloom' in it's 60th year members of the community are being challenged to pick up 60 kg of litter!

“It sounds a lot but we know many of you pick up what you see on the beach and around the village - a coffee cup, a piece of rope, a handful of plastic - so during July there are digital scales in The Salty Spaniel, Ecoast, Saundersfoot Library and Big Beach Surf Shop at Coppet Hall with a chart to record the weight of what gets picked up no matter how small - it'll all add up,” stated Saundersfoot in Bloom.

If you need litter picking equipment- Ecoast is a Keep Wales Tidy Litter Hub and The Strand's have a 2 Minute Beach Clean board at the top of the slip with pickers and bags that can be loaned and returned and there's also one at Coppet Hall.

Wales in Bloom judges are due at the seaside village on Wednesday, July 10 and Britain in Bloom on July 30.

“The whole village is encouraged to look its best and we can all play an active part,” said county councillor Chris Williams.