Minutes of the General Meeting of Saundersfoot Community Council held on July 1. This was a hybrid meeting - Councillors met within the Regency Hall with a live link to enable members of the public, and any Councillors who preferred to attend virtually, via Zoom. (These arrangements are in line with the current Government imposed Covid 19 Restrictions).


Clr. Wainwright reported that:

• On June 7, Clr. Williams BEM, Mr. A Lewis and I met in the Sensory Garden to plant flowers. Mr. Wally Marr, Clr. Pearson and Mrs. Williams also assisted with this back-breaking task. Two beds of Begonias were planted

• A telephone call was received from a resident in Pennant Avenue raising concerns regarding pot holes and fencing works being carried out by Pembrokeshire County Council. After a site visit, I advised Clr. Baker of the concerns raised by the resident with Clr. Baker offering positive feedback for the resident.

• During a walk around the MUGA and Bowling Club area I noted that all the current works being undertaken are being done so in a professional manner, with the playground making good progress.


• NP/21/0332/FUL 2, The Paddock, Saundersfoot, SA69 9PD: Single storey extension and garden re-profiling - Following consideration of all the information provided, by the Planning Authority, Saundersfoot Community Council do not have any concerns or objections regarding this planning application

• NP/21/0331/TPO 53 Whitlow, Saundersfoot, SA69 9AE: 30-35 per cent reduction to the crown of , Oak tree (TPO33 - T1) for safety reasons - The Community Council do not have any concerns or objections regarding this planning application and acknowledge the proposed works will encourage wildlife to the area.

• NP/21/0365/NMA Marina, The Harbour, Saundersfoot, SA69 9HE: Non-material amendment to NP/18/0687/FUL: The Community Council do not have any concerns or objections regarding this planning application and acknowledge the application has been made for health and safety reasons.

• NP/21/0383/FUL Main House, Harbour Heights, The Ridgeway, Saundersfoot, SA69 9JE: Erection of 2 x new balconies to front elevation, renovation/upgrade of existing balcony, associated bonnet roofs and additional parking/turning bay - The Community Council do not have any concerns or objections regarding this planning application and acknowledge the proposed design on the replacement balcony are an improvement of the existing structure and will be more aesthetically pleasing.

• NP/21/0326/FUL Merlewood Store/Workshop, St. Brides Hill, Saundersfoot, SA69 9NP: Conversion of redundant workshop into holiday accommodation - The Community Council do not have any concerns or objections regarding this planning application and acknowledge that this application will make good use of an unused building.

• To review the consultation regarding the diversion of public footpath 42/26 on the Hean Estate - Following consideration of all the information provide regarding the diversion of public footpath 42/26, it was considered by the Community Council to be an improvement on the existing route.


• Email received advising of certain concerns the author has regarding Tuk Tuk Taxis. The Clerk to forward such to Pembrokeshire County Council’s Licensing Department for their consideration. (Clr. Baker declared an interest in this matter as he is Cabinet Member responsible for licensing).

• Email received requesting the reinstatement of certain trains – The Clerk to forward such to the Transport for Wales and the Department for Transport for their consideration, noting that the reinstatement of train services is dependent on many factors – time tabling, route suitability, availability of rolling stock, availability of staff and of course financial impact.

• Email received requesting if an application could be made for a headstone to be placed on a grave in the old cemetery, with an etching depicting a gentleman on a push bike, engraved thereon. It was agreed that this application can be made, with the Community Council to review its Memorial Policy to reflect this request and determine an agreed size of any etchings

• A request was received to list all the recent damaged occasioned to Saundersfoot Community Council’s property in a forthcoming press release. Council agreed that any publicity to try and stop this damage occurring is a good thing.


Clr. Phil Baker reported:

County Hall matters - The new CEO will be taking his position in September 2021

Incident Management Centre – is continuing its work during the rise in infections.

The Strategic Recovery Co-Ordinator Group Meeting is continuing to monitor the various recovery cells across all Departments at the County Council.

The Covid Advice Team continues to provide information clarifying the most up to date Welsh Government Regulations and Guidelines.

Ward - Clr. Baker advised that Saundersfoot has been chosen by PAVS to develop a Participatory Budgeting scheme. This will see community volunteer groups bidding in a Dragons Den type competition with a total of £10,000 available.

Clr. Baker again thanked the hard working street cleansing teams as the bins continue to be emptied 4 or 5 times daily.

A new larger bin has been provided at Beddoes Corner along with a 45-gallon drum

The Visitor Ambassadors scheme is being rolled out in the Village, with two staff provided by PCC and supplemented by volunteers, Cllr Baker advised that 6 Villagers had come forward.

Clr. Baker had reported the damaged hand rail at the junction of Westfield Road and The Ridgeway. The speed cushion at Saundersfoot School has become loose and will be removed and then replaced with new sections.

The long tunnel awaits the addition of marker lines and the replacement lights.

Vaccine roll out completed on June 15 with 18 clinics, 6,500 vaccines, 20 volunteers thanks to PCC, PCNPA, SCC, Harbour, Regency Hall, Tuk Tuks, TrueForm.


• Clr. M Williams BEM on behalf of the Sensory Garden Working Party and Grounds Management Working Party - Works within the Sensory Garden were carried out to ensure the garden is at is best for the judging of Wales in Bloom.

The area of shrubs along the Community Council’s office, has been cleared, and grass will be laid early next week.

A major problem has arisen with people urinating in the Sensory Garden, hopefully this will now subside with local businesses being able to open their toilet facilities. This problem will be monitored. Possible CCTV coverage of the Sensory Garden considered.

Clr. Williams BEM proposed that Mr M Davies (Saundersfoot Harbour) be contacted and request if there would be a possibility to house a CCTV unit, within the Coal Office Building, to cover the Sensory Garden area; Clr. Boughton-Thomas seconded the proposal with all Cllrs in full agreement.

• Clr. D Ludlow on behalf of the Play Park Task and Finish Group - The installation of the play equipment is moving forward with almost all the equipment installed.

The path to the front of the park has been prepared and is ready for tarmacadam

Sunshine Playgrounds will ensure that an independent inspection will take place prior to the play equipment being passed safe for use.

Clr. Ludlow advised the Council that while he and The Clerk were meeting with the fencing contractor it was brought to their attention that, due to a miscalculation of fencing required by the contractor, there would be an extra cost of £2,670 (this would still be the lower tender). After numerous phone calls with the fencing contractor and Sunshine this figure was brought down to £1,200.

It was requested of the Clerk to confirm how much over the budgeted amount the play park would be if this figure was accepted. The project would be £1,921.30 over budget – It was agreed that for a £82,000 project this was acceptable.

Clr. Baker proposed that the Community Council accept the amended figure; Cllr Upham seconded the proposal with all Cllrs in full agreement.

• Personnel Working Group - The Clerk advised the Council that Mr. A Lewis’s review had taken place and a report will be made at the next meeting of the Personnel Working Group.

Clr. Wainwright advised that Council that, due to the recent meeting of the Personnel Working Group being non-quorate, it had been postponed. It was noted that more notice will be given regarding the date of the rescheduled meeting.

Discussion also took place regarding the amendment to the Terms of Reference for the Personnel Working Group to include that the Chair of Saundersfoot Community Council is able to be a member of the Personnel Working Group, if they so wish.

Clr. Ludlow proposed that an amendment be made to the Membership section of the Terms of Reference of the Personnel Working Group, with the wording ‘the reigning Chairperson being excluded to allow for any appeal that may be made’ being removed; Clr. Williams BEM seconded the proposal with a majority vote in favour of such, majority vote in favour, with 4 abstentions and 2 votes against.


• Wales in Bloom, Clr. Hayes MBE reported that - An electronic copy of the portfolio had been received by Wales in Bloom and a copy of such has been sent to all Councillors for their perusal.

The Judge for Wales in Bloom would meet Cllrs Wainwright and Williams BEM along with herself in the Sensory Gardens. The tubs around the village were looking colourful and had been attended to by Mrs D Ludlow.

Clr. Hayes MBE also advised that Saundersfoot in Bloom entry forms are available from the Library and the Clerk.

• Grounds and Drainage Works to the front of the MUGA area – To consider the specification and price for such received from the play park contractors and contemplate future works for this area.

Clr. Williams BEM advised the Council that a price had been received for drainage works to the front of the MUGA at a cost of £14,000. It was agreed that his amount was over the budget and Cllrs Williams BEM, Baker and the Clerk to redraft a schedule of works and go out for tender.

Next Meeting – To consider the arrangements for the next meeting, taking into account any changes in the Government imposed Covid 19 restrictions regarding the holding of meetings. It was agreed that the August meeting of the Community Council be a hybrid meeting affording members of the public to join via a live link.