Minutes of the General Meeting of The Saundersfoot Community Council held via the medium of Zoom, on January 7:
Clr. Cleevely reported that this really has been a different Christmas with no official engagements being held, but he would like to wish all Members and the Community of Saundersfoot a Happy New Year.
NP/20/0437/FUL: Retrospective planning application for doorway on West elevation and proposed skylights Consideration of additional information received by the Planning Authority, at Apple Tree Gallery, The Ridgeway, Saundersfoot, SA69 9JE - The Clerk advised that a letter from the Solicitor representing the neighbouring property owners had been received and councillors confirmed that they had all received a copy via email.
Following the consideration of further documentation submitted, by the applicant, regarding this planning application, Cllr Sefton proposed that the considerations of Saundersfoot Community Council remain unchanged and that it does not support this application and to advise the Planning Authority of such; Clr. Boughton-Thomas seconded the proposal with all councillors eligible to vote in full agreement.
NP/20/0592/ADV and NP/20/0593/ADV: Internally illuminated Signage at Yacht Yard, The Harbour, Saundersfoot, SA69 9HE - Following consideration of the two applications, councillors requested further information, following which they will further consider these applications.
NP/20/0573/FUL: Extensions and alterations, including single and two storey rear extensions with rear, at Galiots, Frances Road, Saundersfoot, SA69 9AH - Councillors considered that although the proposed building is large it is within keeping of the surrounding buildings and, in their opinion, will not encroach on the neighbouring properties.
Clr. Ludlow proposed that Saundersfoot Community Council support this planning application; Clr. Saunders seconded the proposal with all councillors eligible vote in favour of such.
• Correspondence received advising that some branches have been damaged in the high winds to the trees located behind the Regency Hall, Sports and Social Club and the Play Park. The Clerk advised that arrangements have been made for this area to be inspected by the Council’s preferred arborist as soon as possible.
• Email received from a member of the public advising of several maintenance issues within the ward. Clr. Baker reported that this information will be passed onto the relevant departments within Pembrokeshire County Council.
• Email received from Pembrokeshire County Council advising that their response regarding the Harbour Regeneration Order will remain unchanged.
• A number of correspondence received raising concerns regarding the number of visitors to the village despite Government Covid 19 imposed restrictions. Clr. Williams BEM proposed that the Clerk write suitable letters to various Members in Authority requesting that they consider the safety of residents and persons breaching the Government imposed restrictions; Clr. Saunders seconded the proposal with all Cllrs in full agreement.
• Notice that a virtual seminar (using Zoom) to be held by Pembrokeshire County Council, to consider the best way to work together to ensure that Pembrokeshire citizens are leading the post-Covid recovery (To take place on January 20).
• Notice received from Pembrokeshire County Council advising of proposals to change waiting restrictions within the Glen area
Post meeting – Email received from Pembrokeshire Food Bank thanking Saundersfoot Community Council for the kind donation of £500.
County Hall Matters - The 2021/22 Budget continues to worked on with extremely tight deadlines, PCC staff working on the options over the Christmas period, the worst case scenario currently suggests a possible £25 million funding gap.
Operation Stack is in place to deal with potential delays and import/export inspection at Fishguard and Pembroke Dock Ports.
Planning for Covid vaccination programme is underway with PCC providing logistic support and assistance with the preparation of delivery centres.
The Hub continues to provide support and guidance for volunteer groups and residents in need of assistance.
Area Maintenance Teams provided logistical support in response to flooding around the County over the Christmas period.
Ward Matters - Clarification of December minutes – Coast path long tunnel – PCC have carried out repairs to the potholes which are outside tolerance, not the whole surface and not indentations within tolerance – Officers continue to investigate a suitable repair material and the possibility of grants to undertake the work.
Following a successful Welsh Government grant application, PCNPA is working with PCC to deliver additional EV Charging points around the County, meaning additional points in the Brewery car park.
Concerns continue to be expressed in regard to the lack of a bus shelter at the bus stop on adjacent to the amusement arcade Cllr Baker continues to investigate options but this will not be straight forward in the current financial situation.
Planning is well advanced for the Covid vaccination roll out in Saundersfoot, working with The Medical Centre and The Regency Hall.
Reports from Committees/Working Parties
Sensory Garden Working Party (Clr Williams BEM):
• An on-site meeting was held to discuss the re-structuring of the area of the Sensory Garden behind the hording. Attending – Cllrs Williams BEM, Boughton-Thomas, Mr. M Davies, Carys (Harbour Employee) and David Cox (a garden designer). Possible designs will be presented to the Council for consideration.
• A member of the public would like to purchase a tree to be situated within the Sensory Garden – Clr. Williams BEM has advised that this purchase will be an asset to the redevelopment area.
• Most of the Christmas lights have now been removed and are stored safely. The 4 Kronux lights and post remain in situ for the time being.
• The manufacturer will be collecting the stars, following the recall of such, and will be replaced as soon as possible.
Clr. Cleevley, on behalf of the Council, thanked Clr. Williams BEM for all his efforts in creating such a magnificent display of Christmas lighting enjoyed by many.
St Issells Cemetery – To Minute the resolution reached at the Emergency, Private and Confidential meeting of Saundersfoot Community Council held on 17th December 2020
Following a request for a burial to take place in the St Issells Old Cemetery (in the ownership and management of Saundersfoot Community Council), an emergency meeting was held under private and confidential meeting conditions, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public did not attend this meeting. This was due to the sensitive nature of items being discussed.
Clr. Baker proposed that any requests for burials within the St Issells Old Cemetery will be considered individually by the Council with the Council reserving the Rights to permit or deny the requested burial; Clr. Wainwright seconded the proposal with all Cllrs in full agreement.
It was also agreed that the Terms and Conditions of St Issells Cemeteries, when next considered, will be altered to reflect such.
Staffing Working Group – To confirm the formation of a working Group to oversee any staffing matters
Following discussions Clr. Boughton-Thomas proposed that a Personnel Working Party be formed and the Heads of Terms for such be adopted with the amendment to include the Chair in any new employment processes; Clr. Upham seconded the proposal with all Cllrs in full agreement.
This will be discussed further at the next Policy and Procedure working group meeting (end January 2021)
External Audit Report – to acknowledge and accept the Report received from Grant Thornton, on behalf of the Auditor General for Wales. All members confirmed they had received a copy of the External Auditors Report prior to the meeting.
The Clerk advised the Council that an Un-qualified report has been received with no recommendations by the Auditor. Clr. Cleevely, on behalf of the Council, thanked the Clerk for preparing all accounts and information required to complete the Audit process under very challenging circumstances, due to the Government imposed restrictions.
The Clerk confirmed the relevant Completion of Audit Notice will be displayed.
Agenda items - All Councillors confirmed they had received all information relating to the following three agenda items via email.
Clr. Ludlow reported to the Council the considerations of the Play Park Working Party and answered any queries raised. All Councillors discussed the quotations provided.
Play Park: Consideration of the three quotations received for play equipment (£30,000 project total spend and £50,000 project total spend) and the recommendations of the Task and Finish Group
Play Park Fencing: To consider a further application for an Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant to replace the rotting fencing around the play park
Play Park Further Equipment: To consider increasing the potential loan to purchase additional play equipment
Taking the above three agenda items into consideration along with all information provided to Councillors, Clr. Ludlow proposed that Saundersfoot Community Council accept Kompan as the preferred contractor for the play park project, a budget of £71,000 be set for the whole project with the proposed loan amount being increased from £20,000 to £30,000 and for grant funding to be applied for up to the value of £10,000; Clr. Baker seconded the proposal with all Cllrs in full agreement.
It was also agreed that if any other grant funding is available, this should be applied for to purchase extra all-inclusive play equipment.
The next meeting will take place on February 4 at 6 pm via zoom.