Among matters considered and discussed at the December meeting of Saundersfoot Community Council were the following
Clr. Boughton Thomas proposed that the planning application relating to Apple Tree Gallery, The Ridgeway, be brought forward, with council all in agreement.
The application was to install rooflights to gallery upstairs, public doorway, partial living space (change of use), rebuilt extension where garage used to be.
Clr. Williams BEM declared a personal interest and took no part in the discussion or vote.
The clerk advised the council that a large amount of correspondence had been received appertaining to this application raising a number of complaints and concerns. (Councillors had sight of a number of these letters prior to the meeting).
One member of the public spoke regarding the application, outlining the concerns/objections raised within the letters received. Any further concerns/objections were added by other members of the public present.
Points raised by the council included:
• The proposed positioning of the public doorway - This was considered a danger to the public using the doorway and anyone using the narrow land adjacent to it. There was no threshold, with the door literally opening onto the lane.
• Listed building - The council understood that an external wall had been moved which was part of a listed building
• Major concerns were raised as to whether the already overstretched infrastructure and sewage system would be able to withstand the additional use.
• Highway - The proposed doorway opened onto a very narrow, well used single track lane which was purportedly privately owned, with the use thereof granted to properties along the lane. This lane was adjacent to a road which already had a history of speeding motorists, additional use of this lane by patrons visiting the property with a business nature or private would increase the possibility of accidents occurring when entering or exiting the narrow single track lane.
• A major portion of pavement had been removed, this included the tactile pavement which was in place to assist visually impaired persons.
• Additional cars visiting this property were parking in the narrow lane blocking the right of way afforded to other land users, blocking the way for any emergency vehicles and also obstructing the Pembrokeshire County Council refuse collection lorries.
• The council noted that the plans submitted were very unclear and difficult to follow.
Following a lengthy discussion, Clr. Sefton proposed that Saundersfoot Community Council object to the application on the points raised and discussed by the council; Clr. Cleevely seconded the proposal, with all in full agreement.
Six members of the public then left the meeting
Chairman’s Report
Clr. Sefton reported that the Remembrance Service was well organised and supported by many, with Father Paul conducting a heartfelt service.
Clr. Sefton also reported that he had attended the pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk by Saundersfoot Footlights and commented that it was a most enjoyable evening.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
Library Services - Following the presentation by Pembrokeshire County Council with regard to the possible change in services to the library or additional financial or volunteer support for the Saundersfoot Library, Clr. Baker proposed that Saundersfoot community make a grant application to Enhancing Pembrokeshire and also to ask for contributions from neighbouring community councils from their grant allowance. He added that it was not equitable for Saundersfoot Community Council tax payers to find 100 per cent of the revised proposal; Clr. Boughton Thomas seconded proposal, with all council in full agreement. The clerk was to write to the four neighbouring community councils.
Land to the rear of The Gower Hotel, Milford Terrace, Saundersfoot - Ash tTree removal, The council had no objections or concerns regarding the ash tree removal.
• Letter received from Saundersfoot Chamber for Tourism, in reply to the council’s letter, thanking the council for their kind words of support regarding the Big Bang Weekend stating that they were looking forward to a continued and successful relationship between both organisations.
• Notice from Pembrokeshire County Council/BT regarding the removal of telephone boxes in Saundersfoot – This item has been added to the January agenda.
• Verbal communication from Clr. Hayes MBE regarding the recent placing of a memorial bench on Pembrokeshire County Council owned land in front of the village notice board. The clerk was to write a letter to Pembrokeshire County Council requesting why the bench was placed in such a position.
Reports from Committees
Clr, Williams BEM, on behalf of the Grounds Subcommittee, reported that:
• Wooden reels were required for the storage of lights.
• Plastic storage boxes were required for the storage of Christmas lights. He was to let the clerk have details of what was required
• Cllr Williams BEM had received assistance in the Sensory Garden with various tasks. In lieu of payment, the gentleman concerned had requested that a donation be made to charity. Clr. Sefton proposed that a donation of £50 be given to St. Issell’s Church towards the lighting of the cross over Christmas; Clr. Boughton Thomas seconded the proposal, with all in full agreement.
• The majority of lights were on timers which were working well.
• The electrical box on the side of the ice cream kiosk required replacing Clr. Williams BEM had tasked the electrician to carry out this out ASAP.
• Two sets of lights in the garden required a timer. This had been approved. Clr. Williams BEM was to liaise with the electrician.
• Winter planting was well underway.
• The decorative gate by the ice cream kiosk was in need of repair.
The clerk advised the council that correspondence had been received advising that the Chamber for Tourism had put the Enchanted Forest on hold for 2019, but hopefully would be able to continue with it for Christmas 2020.
Cl. Wainwright, on behalf of Saundersfoot Village, advised the council that most of the poppy collection boxes had been collected and if any were outstanding to contact the clerk to the council to arrange for them to be collected. It was agreed that the clerk make enquiries into councillors and the employees of the council being issued with identification badges.
If any persons would like to assist with the distribution/collection of the poppy boxes next year, please contact the clerk who will pass your details on to the British Legion Poppy Appeal Organisers.
Clr. Hayes MBE requested when the Poppy Appeal presentation would be. The clerk advised that the list of awards was held by Mrs. A. Parcell and had been requested for.
Clerk’s Update
• Mr Lewis would empty the Sensory Garden and Cemetery bins over each weekend of the holiday period.
• Notices were presented to the council for inclusion in the new notice board at the St. Issells cemetery.
• Pembrokeshire County Council required the order for hanging baskets and flower towers to be confirmed. It was agreed that 14 hanging baskets be ordered. It was considered, due to the building works taking place, the flower towers were not required next year.
• Annual dinner - Clr. Upham offered to arrange the annual dinner. It was agreed that PCSO Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. Odley, Mr. A. Lewis and the clerk be invited as guests of the council.
Agenda Items
2020/2021 budget and precept, theprecept figure to be presented to the Pembrokeshire County Council in January 2020: The draft precept/budget was presented to the council. Following consideration of such, Clr. Sefton proposed that the Saundersfoot Community Council precept for 2020/2021 be £77,760, with consideration that this may change at the January meeting due to the consideration of any financial support to Saundersfoot Library Service; Clr. Boughton Thomas seconded the proposal, with all in full agreement. (An emergency meeting of the subcommittee would be held at the end of December with any proposals being heard at the January meeting.)
Sensory Garden - Consideration of the doors leading from the Coal Office into the Garden: The clerk advised the council that correspondence had been received from Mr. M. Davies, Saundersfoot Harbour Development, advising that the consideration of doors being placed in the wall of the Coal Office leading into the Sensory Garden would have to be put on hold for the time being until the works had been completed and the layout of the room clarified as the placing of doors in this location may have an adverse effect of the internal design of the room.
Date of next meeting - Thursday, January 2.