Prior to the start of December's monthly meeting of Saundersfoot Community Council, Chairman Cavell welcomed Sergeant Lewis and PC Cresswell to the meeting, together with four residents of the village present.
Sergeant Lewis said that he had been stationed in Tenby for one year and previously had served in Haverfordwest and the Metropolitan Police, while PC Cresswell was now stationed in Saundersfoot, along with PC Williams and PC Smith.
Sergeant Lewis said that as Saundersfoot had three officers on duty on a 24 hour basis, residents should see an improvement in police cover in the area. He said that one of the issues raised previously was that of boy racers. He said that this was a problem in every community and the CCTV camera on the harbour had improved the situation, especially when clients left the Sands Club.
He said that problems had got worse since the split closing times have come into force, i.e. 2 am and 3 am.
Clr. Hayes then read out a letter from a resident living in Beddoes Court who was complaining of the rowdyism occurring during closing time. Sergeant Lewis said he would reply direct to this letter.
The officer went on to say that 18 public order arrests had been made outside the Sands Club up to October 2.
Clr. Lawrence said that he had reported an offence in Coppet Hall car park and asked how he could be assured the offence had been attended to?
Sergeant Lewis replied and said that the call centre should keep in touch with the caller as to the progress being made on a report of an offence.
Sergeant Lewis informed members that vehicles could be taken from offenders if driving without insurance and they would have to pay £112 to retrieve them.
A resident asked if another CCTV camera could be installed, as the current one did not cover a sufficient area.
Sergeant Lewis said that the Sands Club had purchased several cameras for the inside of the club for this year, due to pressure from the police and this had helped matter enormously.
Another resident commented that it was not only youngsters who drove recklessly, but older drivers also, and there were a problems at the junction of Valley Road and the top of The Ridgeway, and asked if anything could be done to prevent this from happening
Sergeant Lewis said that the traffic officers in Haverfordwest covered all of Pembrokeshire and looked at speeding issues very carefully and are dealt with on a priority basis.
He went on to say that it would help to make a note of the registration number of the cars and inform the police.
Sergeant Lewis said that many complaints were received about taxi drivers driving erratically and the police were monitoring them very closely. Clr. Poole asked if traffic calming measures would improve the situation.
Sergeant Lewis said that Inspector Nigel Hayes stationed in Haverfordwest was the officer responsible for traffic issues. He said the police would support this request and look at the feasibility of installing these measures.
Clr. Poole asked when would Pembrokeshire County Council be taking over the responsibility for traffic wardens. Clr. Hayes said this would not happen before October 2007.
A resident expressed his concern at the speeding traffic on Stammers Road where he lived and cars turned in Stammers Road at speed and on the wrong side of the road.
Sergeant Lewis said all the comments made at the meeting would be taken back to Inspector Clark and looked at very carefully.
Clr. Cleevely then commented on the policy of vehicles parking on double yellow lines and said the situation on The Strand in the summer was horrendous and emergency vehicles could have great difficult getting through due to cars parking on both sides of the street.
Sergeant Lewis agreed, and said police officers were responsible for policing illegal parking, but it was again down to prioritisation and resources become very stretched during the summer months.
Clr. Allsop asked if a traffic warden could be on duty in Saundersfoot on Tuesdays in the summer during the car boot sales. Sergeant Lewis said that he would bring this request to Inspector Clark's attention.
A resident again commented that speeding took place all around Saundersfoot and he had met with police with regard to traffic calming measures on The Ridgeway and was told that until a spate of serious accidents occur there, nothing could be done.
Sergeant Lewis said that only one serious accident had occurred in Saundersfoot in three years and officers were deployed to man renowned blackspots.
Clr. Hayes expressed her concern at the contractors cars parked all around the Rhodewood development, making it a hazard for traffic travelling in and out of Saundersfoot.
Sergeant Lewis said that Inspector Clark had visited the site and spoken to the developers and hopefully the situation would improve.
The officer said that traffic problems in Saundersfoot seemed to be the main concern, and with three police officers now stationed in Saundersfoot, the situation should improve in the future.
He went on to say that there was a drink-drive campaign during Christmas and more officers would be present in Saundersfoot.
Clr. Poole asked if the new licensing laws had increased offences. Sergeant Lewis said that there had not been any significant increase in drink- related offences.
Chairman Cavell then thanked Sergeant Lewis and PC Cresswell for attending the meeting and said she looked forward to meeting them again in the near future.
The meeting proper then started.
Chairman Cavell said that she had attended a National Parks Planning Service Workshop on November 3. She said that speakers emphasised that the Park Authority had a long and good relationship with community councils who play a initial role in the planning process. She went on to say that Cathy Milner explained recent changes in the planning process in line with the sections implementation action plan and she reiterated the need for community councils opinions to be clear and explicit in advising whether permission be granted or not. Chairman Cavell went on to say that the overall corporate scene was set by the head of conservation, Ivor Jones, and the next generation of plans were explained by Martina Dunn, development plans officer. Although the JUDP had only recently been adopted, work had already commenced on the Local Development Plan and it was hoped that other workshops would be held on different topics connected with the Authorities work.
Chairman Cavell informed members that on November 15, she had attended the Pembrokeshire Federation of WI's Annual Council meeting in the Regency Hall as chairman of the community council and had the pleasure of meeting and listening to the two speakers, Trevor Fishlock and Kate Adie, and it was a very memorable day.
Chairman Cavell said that on December 1, the Chamber for Tourism had kindly invited her to switch on the Christmas lights, and she congratulated the Chamber for Tourism for once again organising this special event, and despite the strong winds, she hoped it was a successful weekend.
Chairman Cavell said that she would like to thank Clr. McDermott for arranging the lights on the trees and also thanked Clr. Poole, Graham Brace, the harbour staff and the clerk John Griffiths for all their hard-work in erecting the lights in the village. Chairman Cavell thanked everyone for joining her at the Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph on November 12, and she said that special thanks should go to Canon Butler, Mr. Norman Shuck for acting as parade marshal and Adam Hensman for so ably playing the last post.
With regard to the Poppy Appeal collection, Chairman Cavell reported to members that so far £3,400 had been collected with six boxes to be counted and cheques to be received for wreaths. Chairman Cavell thanked Mrs. Ann Parcell for overseeing the organising of the Appeal so efficiently and also thanked Clrs. Cleevely, Poole, Hayes and the clerk John Griffiths for their assistance in counting the money.
Byelaw horses on Beach: Clr. Hayes informed members that all the byelaws were currently being reviewed by Pembrokeshire County Council.
Land West of Barbecue Building/Village Green: A letter was received from Pembrokeshire County Council stating that the position had not changed regarding this parcel of land, namely that the authority was not prepared to enter into any formal arrangements until a decision has been taken on the future of the Barbeque Building itself and discussions were ongoing internally with National Parks regarding the future of this property and the community council would be notified of the outcome in due course.
Clr. Poole expressed his concern as to the sale of the building and what would happen to the lease of the Sensory Gardens.
The clerk advised Clr. Poole that the current lease for the Sensory Gardens was for 99 years and that would remain.
Foul odours, Saundersfoot: A letter was received from Welsh Water regarding the matter which stated that complaints had been received in 2003 and 2004 and the cause of the complaints was due to a problem with the New Hedges Sewerage Pumping Station (SPS). This problem had now been rectified and no further complaints had been received. The letter went on to say that Welsh Water had been made aware of foul odours in Brewery Terrace, caused by a recent problem with the SPS and works will be carried out before Christmas to alleviate the problem and no further problems are anticipated.
Unsafe headstones, Cemetery: The clerk advised members that he had spoken to Mr. Ken Burton, One Voice Wales, and received advice.
The clerk said that he had also spoken to Mr. David Seaman at Parc Gwyn Crematorium and he said that Pembrokeshire County Council employed an outside company to carry out these tests in their cemeteries.
The clerk continued to say that he had approached Mr. Seaman with a view to handing over St. Issell's Cemetery to Pembrokeshire County Council and he suggested that the community council writes to Mr. Barrie Davies, Pembrokeshire County Council. He did add that space was becoming very limited in the cemeteries run by Pembrokeshire County Council.
All members agreed that the inspection process would be very costly and they decided that the council should write to Pembrokeshire County Council asking them to consider taking over the control and running of St. Issell's Cemetery.
Removal of Sleeping Policeman: The clerk informed members that the grounds committee had met with the Sports Club on December 4, to discuss the matter. Clr. Cleevely said that he had spoken to Mr. Alan Hunt, access officer, Pembrokeshire County Council, and was advised that there should be access to the field for wheelchair-users. Clr. Cleevely added that if part of the bumps were removed a wheelchair could access the field quite easily.
Mr. Roy Morgan, chairman, Saundersfoot Sports Club, informed members that the club had installed the bumps to nullify the speed of vehicles entering the field and added that there should be some sort of calming measures in place due to the play area being located there.
Clr. Poole proposed removing the centre section of the bumps so that wheelchair-users could access the field and cars would still have to negotiate the bumps and this was seconded by Clr. Cleevely. Mr. Morgan said that this proposal would be discussed at their next meeting.
Clr. Cleevely said that the community council would be responsible for the cost of removal and would look at the health and safety aspects of the removal of the middle section of the bumps.
Clr. Cleevely said that he would seek advice from the access group on this matter.
The clerk informed members that a letter had now been received from the sports club stating that this proposal had been unanimously agreed and they would co-operate fully on the matter.
The clerk did add that he had received confirmation from their solicitors that the road in question was owned by the community council.
It was proposed Clr. Cleevely and seconded by Clr. Poole that the council went ahead with the removal of the middle section of the bumps and the clerk was instructed to write to the sports club informing them of this decision.
Christmas lights: Clr. Poole said that he would like it minuted that a vote of thanks be given to Clr. McDermott for all the hard-work he had put in this year preparing the lights for the trees.
Recycling in Saundersfoot: A letter was received from Pembrokeshire County Council regarding a request for a bottle bank to be located within the village of Saundersfoot.
The letter stated that there was a bottle bank located at Bonville's Court which could be used by householders and commercial properties such as hotels and public houses. The letter went on to say that the Regency Hall car park was owned by National Park and they had only given Pembrokeshire County Council permission to site one bank at this location. The letter concluded by giving that the criteria for a proposed site.
The clerk was instructed to write to National Park requesting that consideration be given to locating a bottle bank next to the paper bank in the Regency Hall car park.
Trees: The clerk informed members that the trees promised by National Park had now been delivered with instructions for planting. He said that he along with Clrs. Poole and Baker had marked the positions for the trees to be planted in the cemetery and Mr. Chris Williams had agreed to carry out the planting.
Water feature, Sensory Gardens: A letter was received from Mr. Sylvia Howells, Friends of Saundersfoot, stating that her organisation would be delighted to help in the installation of the water feature in the gardens.
The clerk was instructed to write to Mrs. Howells thanking her for their assistance, but to clarify exactly what help they could offer. Chairman Cavell declared an interest and took no part in the debate.
Proposed car park charges: Clr. Cleevely said that he had attended a meeting with Tenby Town Council to discuss the proposed increase in car parks charges. He said that there was a good turnout and the main concern was that the short stay charge in the multi-storey car park would increase, thus deterring shoppers visiting Tenby. The clerk informed members that he had written to Pembrokeshire County Council with these concerns and had received a reply stating that these comments were noted and would be recorded in a further report to cabinet.
Beach: Chairman Cavell reported to members that the level of the stones behind the properties on The Strand had dropped dramatically and residents were concerned at the erosion taking place.
Clr. Hayes said that the advice from Pembrokeshire County Council was to promote a Coast Protection Scheme for this section of the beach. The clerk was instructed to write to Pembrokeshire County Council expressing this concern of the council on the erosion of this section of beach.
Report of meeting with Brian Maddocks on November 28: The clerk said that he along with Clrs. Cavell, Cleevely, Poole and Hayes, had met with Mr. Brian Maddocks, Pembrokeshire County Council, to discuss various issues and gave his report on the outcome reached: i) Clearance of growth of bank along the stream: resolved - Mr. Maddocks would arranged to have the bank cut back and placed on the grass cutting schedule for future cuts.
ii) Condition of all pavements in Saundersfoot, especially Brewery Terrace: resolved - Mr. Maddocks visited Brewery Terrace and said that the Capital Team was in the process of carrying out work to divert the flow of water to the culvert and hopefully this would prevent future flooding of the area and once this work has been completed a resurfacing programme of Brewery Terrace would be carried out. Mr. Maddocks said that with regard to the remainder of pavements, an inspection would take place and work would be carried out if necessary.
Dropped gullies: resolved - that all dropped gullies in the area would be raised if necessary. Brookland Place footpath: resolved - following a visit, Mr. Maddocks said that he would liase with Welsh Water with a view to improving this stretch of footpath.
Refurbishment of toilets: resolved - Mr. Maddocks would arrange for a refurbishment programme to be drawn up to carry out necessary work. All drains to be gully sucked: resolved - Mr. Maddocks would arrange for this work to be carried out.
Repainting of yellow lines: resolved - all yellow lines would be examined and repainted if necessary.
Footway on Ridgeway by Dunromin: resolved - Mr. Maddocks would report this to the relevant officers. Broken window, Further Education Centre: resolved - Mr. Maddocks would arrange for an officer to attend immediately to replace the window. Replace antiskid surface, St. Brides Hill and reinstate road markings Rhodewood: resolved - Mr. Maddocks would report both issues to the relevant officers.
Additional grit bin, Bevelin Hall, Saundersfoot: resolved -Mr. Maddocks would speak to the relevant officer regarding this request.
Mr. Maddocks suggested to members that a further meeting be convened in March to discuss the progress made on all the issues raised.
NP/06/399 - Beer Garden, Sands Club, Saundersfoot. NP/06/548 - Extension, 8 Ridgeway Close, Saundersfoot. NP/06/592 - Orangery, Church Terrace, Saundersfoot. NP/06/581 - Extension, Tringham, Saundersfoot. NP/06/556 - Conservatory, The Sheiling, Saundersfoot. NP/06/563 - Conservatory, 35 Scandinavian Heights, Saundersfoot. NP/06/588 - Replace hedge with fence, Watch Below, Saundersfoot. NP/06/580 - Dwelling, 1 Hillside Cottage, Saundersfoot. NP/06/609 - Alterations, 5 Ridgeway Close, Saundersfoot. NP/06/564 - Extension, 6 Lawnswood, Saundersfoot. NP/06/576 - Change of use, Richmond House, Saundersfoot. NP/06/007 - Sign, The Lounge, Strand, Saundersfoot. NP/06/578 - Porch, 58 Pennant Avenue, Saundersfoot. With regard to NP/06/399 members commented that they were happy with the design, but stressed that this area should not be used under any circumstances for clients consuming alcohol and the conditions laid down were strictly adhered to. Also, members requested that the word beer br replaced by tea.
With regard to NP/06/548, members were concerned at the size of the extension and that is was not in keeping with the rest of the properties on the estate.
With regard to NP/06/556 members thought that the conservatory would look too modern for the surrounding properties.
With regard to NP/06/588 members were concerned at the height (1.8) of the fence and it would not be in keeping with existing properties. Members raised no other objections.
Clr. Allsop declared an interest in NP/06/399, Clr. McDermott declared an interest in NP/06/556, Clr. Cleevely declared an interest in NP/06/588 and they took no part in these debates.
The Precept requirement had to be received by Pembrokeshire County Council by January 12. Tree Preservation Orders were received from National Park for trees on Stammers Road and St. Brides Lane, Saundersfoot.
Clr. Baker had received a request from a firm called James Hive who operate crazy golf courses in Wales and asked if they could be considered to run crazy golf on the Putting Green area of Saundersfoot and they asked if they could be invited to a future meeting of the council.
Members decided to invite them to a future meeting to give a presentation.
Notification of the Trade Waste increased charges for 2007 was received from Pembrokeshire County Council.
A request to fund a Community Support Officer for Saundersfoot was received from Dyfed Powys Police.
At present, there were nine PCSO's in Pembrokeshire with a further seven promised in March 2007. Funding from the Home Office for PCSO's had decreased from 100 per cent to 50 per cent. The cost to fund one PCSO was £25,500 per annum.
Members discussed the request and decided that the community council was in no financial position to consider this amount of funding unless the precept was increased considerably, thus passing the burden onto council tax payers.
A letter was received from Mrs. Sylvia Howells, Friends of Saundersfoot, warning that people were digging for whelks at night and this practice should be stopped.
Clr. Hayes said that shellfish were not classified for human consumption and advised that Mrs. Howells wrote to Pembrokeshire County Council with her concerns.
A letter was received from National Park with an update of the National Parks Conservation Grant Scheme and a list of the properties surveyed. A letter was received from the Saundersfoot Festivities Association requesting a donation towards the insurance cover for the New Year's Day Swim in Saundersfoot. Members unanimously agreed to make a donation of £350 for the event.
Clr. Hayes informed members that she had attended the South East Liaison Forum meeting held in St. Florence on December 6.
She said community policing was discussed and Mr. Euros Lewis, Deputy Divisional Commander for Pembrokeshire was in attendance. He outlined the Community Policing Scheme which was designed to make communities a safer place in which to live, and issues that make people feel insecure in their homes would be targeted. She went on to say that there would be opportunities for all citizens to influence community safety priorities and success will be achieved by putting teams in place. The partners involved in the scheme would be the police, local authorities and anyone who could make a valuable contribution, such as organisations and youth leaders. Clr. Hayes said that the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme was still a very important part of making communities safer. She went on to say that no additional resources would be available from the Home Office and this meant possible support from community councils and businesses, and the police were writing to all community councils asking to fund a CSO for their area.
Clr. Hayes said that Sarah Oliver, licensing officer, Pembrokeshire County Council, gave a report on the new licensing laws which had been in force for a year, and explained how to apply for occasional licenses.
Clr. Hayes said that the forthcoming boundary reviews for community councils was discussed and details would be sent to all community council clerks in due course.
Clr. Hayes said that she had attended a TGA meeting on November 28, and various Saundersfoot issues were discussed.
Erica Fielding referred to an item in 'The Guardian' which included a review of the St. Bride's Hotel and a remark "funny combination, a scruffy little town and this hotel" was overheard. She suggested that the group convene a meeting between Pembrokeshire County Council, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park and Saundersfoot Stakeholders to open up a broader discussion about Saundersfoot today and in the future and this would address some of the areas of Saundersfoot which currently let it down. A meeting of key stakeholders and agencies would be arranged. Concern was expressed at the poor condition of some of the roads leading into Saundersfoot and a request to know where this concern was currently prioritised within the refurbishment programme.
Tenby Event Management was currently arranging for a notice board to be sited in the Sensory Gardens to promote community events in Saundersfoot, in partnership with Saundersfoot Chamber for Tourism.
Clr. Cleevely reported that the new hospital at Park House is progressing and hopefully would be fully operational from July.
He also informed members that the old Tenby Cottage Hospital would close before the new one opens due to patient safety. Clr. Cleevely said that staffing shortfalls caused by running both the old and new hospitals meant that urgent action had to be taken to ensure patients could be safely cared for over the festive period and into next year.
Clr. McDermott said that he had attended the Regency Hall Committee meeting on December 6, and reported that the refurbishment programme would now commence in the spring. He said that an active bid had been submitted to COMB and feeling was one of confidence.
The next meeting of the council will be held in the Regency Hall Saundersfoot on January 4, at 7 pm.