A vehicle that has been abandoned on the public footpath by Tenby lifeboat station for almost a week is due to be removed by tomorrow.
The vehicle is said to have been driven onto the footpath which clearly states ‘no entry’ to vehicles, some time last weekend, apparently by holidaymakers from the USA who were trying to find their way to the Prince Albert statue on Castle Hill and ended up by the lifeboat station!
“No idea how they got the car down there as the path is quite narrow!” said Sara Josey who shared this image with the Observer.
According to locals the party responsible hopped on a train to leave the seaside town, leaving the stuck vehicle by the RNLI station.
It mimics an incident back in 2015 when a pair of American tourists got their vehicle stuck in the sands on Castle Beach after they had set their Sat Nav to visit the monastic island of Caldey off Tenby!
“The couple were apparently surprised they couldn’t drive to Caldey, and highly embarrassed when they got stuck!” said a spectator at the time.
“They won’t be the first to have their vehicle rescued from the beach, but possibly the first to have set a sat nav for Caldey!”
The mishap was documented by best-selling American author and travel writer Bill Bryson in a chapter about Tenby featured in his ‘The Road to Little Dribbling’ book.

According to county councillor for Tenby’s North Ward, Cllr Michael Williams, a recovery company will be removing the car before the weekend.