Following an online and in-store customer vote, Sainsbury’s Tenby has announced that PATCH will be the store’s new Local Charity of the Year for 2016 - 2017.

Pembrokeshire Action to Combat Hardship is a charitable organisation aiming to relieve the effects of poverty for individuals and families within the county of Pembrokeshire.

This year’s local charity scheme began at the end of May, when colleagues shortlisted a maximum of three charities to be put forward to the customer vote. PATCH received the most votes and will receive a year’s worth of fundraising and awareness-raising from the store.

Tracy Olin, PATCH manager, said: “We’d like to thank everyone who voted for us. Becoming Sainsbury’s Tenby local charity of the year will make a huge difference to our charity. We’re looking forward to the partnership and working closely with the colleagues at the Tenby store.”

Ceri Jones, store manager at Sainsbury’s Tenby added: “I’d like to say congratulations to PATCH. It’s great to be working with the same charity this year. My colleagues are really excited about the partnership.”

The local charity scheme is now in its eighth year. The scheme has raised over £11 million to support local charities since 2009.