A Tenby volunteering workshop course is being planned for the end of September.

This course has been created and is being facilitated by Anne Draper and Gary Tapley, who between them have more than ninety years’ experience of volunteering, from Anne visiting a residential home for the Duke of Edinburgh award at the age of 14, to Gary running a Crisis at Christmas centre.

Volunteering can bring many rewards, so we want to help you to get the best out of the experience, and to be able to contribute to your event, activity or good cause effectively, while enjoying what you are doing.

“If you have ever thought about doing a bit of volunteering, but weren’t sure where to start, or what might be the best type of volunteering for you, this is the course for you,” said Tenby community engagement officer Anne.

“It will be very relaxed and informal, with plenty of chance for talking and moving around doing things, rather than lots of sitting and listening.

“There are three sessions. In the first one, we will look at how to decide what kind of volunteering you would most enjoy, and therefore would enable you to be a good volunteer.

“We all have lots of different interests, abilities and commitments, and sometimes it is useful to sit down and think about what suits you best.

“The second session will cover the importance of communication to the volunteer experience, and how to make sure it works for you.

Tenby Connects Volunteer poster
(Pic supplied)

“Also, a bit about the dreaded paperwork – you may or may not need to be involved in it in your chosen volunteering role, but it doesn’t hurt to know a bit about what is required.

“In the final session, we put it all into practice, planning and preparing for a potential event.

“It will be a rewarding and enjoyable experience,” she added.

For more information, contact Anne on [email protected] or phone 01834 842730.