In the Senedd today (September 18), the Welsh Conservatives have submitted a Senedd motion calling on the UK Government to reverse its decision to end the universal winter fuel payment, which Welsh Labour Senedd Member’s will vote on.

Ahead of the debate, Welsh Conservatives have stated that the UK Labour Government’s decision to end universal winter fuel payments will have a devastating impact on pensioners up and down Wales. With around 400,000 households, and 540,000 Welsh pensioners now not receiving up to £300 this winter.

As outlined by the Welsh Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Culture, Trefyndd and Chief Whip, Jane Hutt MS, in response to a written question by Welsh Conservative Leader, Andrew RT Davies MS, the UK Labour Government’s decision to end universal winter fuel payments will risk pushing some pensioners into fuel poverty.

Commenting ahead of the debate, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew RT Davies MS, said: “This debate is a chance for Labour MSs to show that they have the courage to put their constituents’ interests before their party interests.

“The Welsh Conservatives will not stop fighting to keep pensioners warm this winter.”

Also commenting, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Social Partnership and Social Justice, Joel James MS, said: “Labour’s shameful decision to scrap winter fuel payments risks creating a fuel poverty crisis among pensioners in Wales.

“In the Senedd today, I look forward to bringing forward our Welsh Conservative debate calling on the UK Government to reverse their decision to end the universal winter fuel payment.”

Responding to Winter Fuel Payments being cut, Chief Executive of Age Cymru, Victoria Lloyd, said: “Age Cymru firmly believe that cutting the winter fuel payment this winter, with virtually no notice and no compensatory measures to protect poor and vulnerable pensioners, is the wrong decision.  

“People have been sharing with us how they’ll struggle this winter without the winter fuel payment, we have heard from people who have long term health conditions who need to have a warm home and will need to cut back on food to ensure that their homes are warm.”

The motion which will be debated today reads:

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Expresses deep concern that around 400,000 households in Wales will lose up to £300 per person after the UK Government’s decision to end the universal Winter Fuel Payment.

2. Notes the Welsh Government's Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice, Trefnydd and Chief Whip's response to WQ93698 where she stated that the UK Government's decision to end the Winter Fuel Payment will risk pushing some pensioners into fuel poverty.

3. Calls on the UK Government to reverse their decision to end the universal Winter Fuel Payment.