Following the receipt of the feasibility study, relating to a property in Whitland, which the Town Council and the ‘Ten Towns Steering Group’ are considering the possibility of purchasing, a meeting of the ‘Ten Towns’ group was held recently and the feasibility study considered.
It was agreed, at the meeting, that Whitland Town Council, on behalf of the ‘Ten Towns’ group, would put an offer forward to the property owner in respect of the Council purchasing such for the benefit and use of the community, particularly in an attempt to bring a Post Office back to Whitland.
A ‘Plan B’ was also discussed, and to be considered is the possibility of the Whitland Town Hall being modernised and made accessible for more members of the community.
Cllr Davies proposed that Councillors Davies-Scourfield and Shipton along with the Clerk continue to act on behalf of Whitland Town Council, within the constraints of the Law, in all matters appertaining to the Ten Towns Steering Group.
Cllr Morgans seconded the proposal with all Councillors in full agreement.